Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This Internet Thing, Hmmmm...???

Heeeeey lovely bloggers/readers!

Ok so, I was just put into a situation that really got me to thinking. There has been an overflow of new technology with all these new sites, or those that have been up a while but are really starting to BOOM now...i.e. Twitter!

For those of you who aren't familiar with Twitter & what it's all bout, I'm going to need yall to tune into this place we all call, uh...EARTH maybe!!! Lol. Twitter is like this new phenomenon and everybody who's anybody (just about) has a page on twitter, and even the "nobodies" of the world (like myself) has a twitter page as well. Twitter allows you to "follow" those that you know, love, admire and etc. But the problem with the site is, what if someone on twitter is REALLY following you?!

For instance, some people...including myself, seem to tweet about every little thing that goes on with them that's exciting or is weighing heavily on their brain and so on. We sometimes tweet about where we are and where we're going. But we fail to realize that there could possibly be someone on twitter that's "following us" but they're also "FOLLOWING US!!!"

This was brought to my attention by my FAVORITE artist, Mr. Trigga-Trey Songz himself (YUUUP! lol). When Trey mentioned it in one of his tweets we were all bugging like WTF?! He didn't go as in depth with it as I am now but he sparked the thought in my mind and my "situation" didn't help either. All Trey said was, what if someone comes up to you in public and ask you how was the food you had cooked the night before? Let me remind you, YOU DON'T KNOW THIS PERSON FROM ADAM!!! Your first thought will NOT be, oh ok he/she must be "following me" on twitter...I know mine DEFINITELY wouldn't! I would spazz the fuck out (excuse my language) and be ready to mop the floor with whomever it could be coming to me like that without REALLY knowing me. It could be a completely harmless approach but it would really do a number on me.

So my questions for you all are: Am I tripping or could this site that SO MANY of us love be potentially but not intentionally harmful to our wellbeing? What would you do if this happened to you? (real life stalkers & run in with someone who's just "following you" on twitter)

I'm interested in finding out all of your thoughts!!!



Anonymous said...

anything on the internet can become invasive and has the potential to have some type of danger it's really about how YOU use it they're not going to know it unless you tell it sometimes we say things and think no one is paying attention but we have to realize that everything said is being read by someone somewhere in the world you can express yourself and keep your anonymity at the same time

- shana =)

Concealed|Perplexity said...