Sunday, August 9, 2009
Any1 into cartoons/animated movies???
I'm not big on cartoons & animations but this movie is a MUST SEE!!! IF you have children or like these types or things or even if it's NOT your style, you might want to check this movie out because it just might surprise you. I seen it about 2 weeks ago & I absolutely loved it!
My life has kind of been in shambles lately and this took my mind off of it, even if it was ONLY for a short period of time. SO IF YOU'RE GOING THROUGH SOMETHING AND CAN AFFORD TO GO SEE THIS MOVIE PLEASE DO SO!LIVE A LITTLE & BECOME 1 WITH YOUR INNER CHILD..LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE STRESSED & DEPRESSED OVER BULLSHIT!!!
Here's the trailer to G-FORCE:
My life has kind of been in shambles lately and this took my mind off of it, even if it was ONLY for a short period of time. SO IF YOU'RE GOING THROUGH SOMETHING AND CAN AFFORD TO GO SEE THIS MOVIE PLEASE DO SO!LIVE A LITTLE & BECOME 1 WITH YOUR INNER CHILD..LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE STRESSED & DEPRESSED OVER BULLSHIT!!!
Here's the trailer to G-FORCE:
Friday, August 7, 2009
Such a fucked up day! Ughk! :(
My day has been SO fucked up yall!!!
I did something yesterday that made me feel good but now I'm like, "DAMN, WHY DID I DO THAT?!" Because now, I have to deal with he consequences of that action. It's not SUCH a bad consequence but it's still one I could do without right now.
I woke up this morning & my mood was COMPLETELY SHITTY, forreal! I wasn't in a bad mood when I first opened my eyes but somethings transpired shortly after waking up so my day has been.............OFF! One thing that did make me smile & lift my spirits was this song:
***Some may not like this song but I think it's great! Not only because it's "Trey Songz" song *LOL :)* but because it's a happy song & we all need that in our lives. STOP HATING HATERS & ENJOY GOOD MUSIC & THE SPIRIT OF TRUE HUSTLERS, YUUUP!
~~~How has your day/week been???? PLEASE POST RESPONSES..I WANNA KNOOOOOW! ;o)~~~
Saturday, August 1, 2009
BFF (Best Friend Forever)
–adjective, superl. of good with better as compar.
of the highest quality, excellence, or standing: the best work; the best students.
most advantageous, suitable, or desirable: the best way.
largest; most: the best part of a day.
–adverb, superl. of well with better as compar.
most excellently or suitably; with most advantage or success: an opera role that best suits her voice.
in or to the highest degree; most fully (usually used in combination): best-suited; best-known; best-loved.
something or someone that is best: They always demand and get the best. The best of us can make mistakes.
a person's finest clothing: It's important that you wear your best.
a person's most agreeable or desirable emotional state (often prec. by at).
a person's highest degree of competence, inspiration, etc. (often prec. by at).
the highest quality to be found in a given activity or category of things (often prec. by at): cabinetmaking at its best.
the best effort that a person, group, or thing can make: Their best fell far short of excellence.
a person's best wishes or kindest regards: Please give my best to your father.
a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
a member of the same nation, party, etc.
(initial capital letter) a member of the Religious Society of Friends; a Quaker.
without ever ending; eternally: to last forever.
continually; incessantly; always: He's forever complaining.
an endless or seemingly endless period of time: It took them forever to make up their minds.
***I'm sure you all read my blog about seeing things for what they are right? Well, to give you all an update..I spoke to my "BFF" and I told her how I felt about our off and on again "friendship" and actually had an EPIPHANY after watching Trey Songz latest UStream video & after an incident with someone who "knows" us both to a certain extent but her more so than me...but yeah. So I came to the conclusion that, regardless of our ups and down/agreements and/or disagreements she'll ALWAYS be my "BFF" even if we decided to distance ourselves from one another SEVERAL more times. Because the moral to this whole "dictionary.com interpretation" is that those that are "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER" ARE SIMPLY THAT! For whatever reason, God put us in each other's lives and even when we piss each other off, we can eventually sit down and talk things over like adults and move on. I just didn't fully understand the "here now, gone tomorrow & back the next day" type of situation. But going through more trials since then has taught me this great lesson.***
Thanx for the advice and a listening ear lovez! ;o)
–adjective, superl. of good with better as compar.
of the highest quality, excellence, or standing: the best work; the best students.
most advantageous, suitable, or desirable: the best way.
largest; most: the best part of a day.
–adverb, superl. of well with better as compar.
most excellently or suitably; with most advantage or success: an opera role that best suits her voice.
in or to the highest degree; most fully (usually used in combination): best-suited; best-known; best-loved.
something or someone that is best: They always demand and get the best. The best of us can make mistakes.
a person's finest clothing: It's important that you wear your best.
a person's most agreeable or desirable emotional state (often prec. by at).
a person's highest degree of competence, inspiration, etc. (often prec. by at).
the highest quality to be found in a given activity or category of things (often prec. by at): cabinetmaking at its best.
the best effort that a person, group, or thing can make: Their best fell far short of excellence.
a person's best wishes or kindest regards: Please give my best to your father.
a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
a member of the same nation, party, etc.
(initial capital letter) a member of the Religious Society of Friends; a Quaker.
without ever ending; eternally: to last forever.
continually; incessantly; always: He's forever complaining.
an endless or seemingly endless period of time: It took them forever to make up their minds.
***I'm sure you all read my blog about seeing things for what they are right? Well, to give you all an update..I spoke to my "BFF" and I told her how I felt about our off and on again "friendship" and actually had an EPIPHANY after watching Trey Songz latest UStream video & after an incident with someone who "knows" us both to a certain extent but her more so than me...but yeah. So I came to the conclusion that, regardless of our ups and down/agreements and/or disagreements she'll ALWAYS be my "BFF" even if we decided to distance ourselves from one another SEVERAL more times. Because the moral to this whole "dictionary.com interpretation" is that those that are "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER" ARE SIMPLY THAT! For whatever reason, God put us in each other's lives and even when we piss each other off, we can eventually sit down and talk things over like adults and move on. I just didn't fully understand the "here now, gone tomorrow & back the next day" type of situation. But going through more trials since then has taught me this great lesson.***
Thanx for the advice and a listening ear lovez! ;o)
Let's Talk About.........LOVE!
Early today on my Twitter, I asked a few questions about LOVE! These questions arose from a seemingly "never ending" conversation that me and my bff had. It's like I LOVE these types of convos at times because it makes me understand that I'm not the only one who feels the way that I do but then again, I'm confused! :(
I've ALWAYS been a "hopeless romantic" and the LOVE topic comes up a lot but when we speak about it, I become confused because the more I explain my feelings for someone or the feelings that I've had in the past, I kind of feel as if I don't REALLY know what I was feeling completely to begin with. I know that I'm/was interested in a person and so on but HOW interested am I/was I? How deep are/were my feelings? Is/was it just a STRONG like type of feeling or COULD IT BE LOVE???!
Here's what I asked my Twitter fam (in reverse from me @_Misunderstood_):
-I need my ladies & fellahs 2 chime in on this cuz idk wut 2 think right now. :-/ I think @SongzYuuup asked a ? bout love b4 on here while bk
about 3 hours ago from mobile web
-Ppl love 2 say I'm IN LOVE with some1 or has in the past & idk...I doubt it tho but then again, it's possible cuz I love hard generally. IDK
about 3 hours ago from mobile web
-Me & my bff had a discussion similar 2 this last night...til like 6 this morning, both of my cells died out on me! lmao. I NEED 2 KNOW THO!
about 3 hours ago from mobile web
-What is LOVE? Is there a difference between being IN LOVE & just loving some1? How can u tell the difference if any? HOW U KNOW IT?
Here are some responses:
-@TahneishaN @_Misunderstood_ yea there is a difference from loving sum1 & being IN LOVE with sum1, like I love my bff but I'm not in love with my bffabout 3 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to _Misunderstood_
-@Nyhima @_Misunderstood_ there's a diff you can have love 4 sum1 and not be N Love with them! Make sense?about 3 hours ago from UberTwitter in reply to _Misunderstood_
-@TahneishaN@_Misunderstood_ you really can't explain it... it more so a feeling...and you really won't know the difference until you've experienced itabout 3 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to _Misunderstood_
-bellayada@_Misunderstood_ *cont* be in that situation to feel the other person's perspective, ya know?about 3 hours ago from web in reply to _Misunderstood_
-bellayada@_Misunderstood_ You can LOVE someone and not be IN LOVE, it's really hard to explain it. I mean it's one of those things when you have toabout 3 hours ago from web in reply to _Misunderstood_
***So what do yall think??? And is there a such thing as TRUE LOVE or REAL LOVE, as if for the most part the LOVE that we seem to think we have or feel for one another is fake or not just not what we THOUGHT it was???!
Please chime in and share your beliefs/perspectives on this topic! :)***
My Poor Boo-Boo! :(
My boo Aubrey "Drake" Graham has injured his ACL once again! :(
I hope you feel better babe & recover 100% very soon. I went up to bat for you last night! Lol. It's all good though, YOU'RE THE FUCKIN BESSSSSSST! Those who follow me on Twitter know what I'm talking about! Lol. ;o)
I hope you feel better babe & recover 100% very soon. I went up to bat for you last night! Lol. It's all good though, YOU'RE THE FUCKIN BESSSSSSST! Those who follow me on Twitter know what I'm talking about! Lol. ;o)
Do they REALLY not know??? :(
I've been wondering ever since I was a little girl, if people who stink/stank/are smelly/funky or whatever you like to call it, REALLY not know that they are this way?! Ooooorr, are they IN DENIAL???
I've run across quite a few people who were/are this way and ALL of them hate to admit it & act like they JUST NOW finding out about it...FORREAL?! YEAH, RIGHT! But it's not just like random "joes" or whatever either, I'm talking friends, family members..even if it was a parent or sibling.
Me PERSONALLY, I think it's unacceptable to just walk around smelling bad...it actually makes me sick to my stomach, LITERALLY! It makes me turn my face up like this
right before I have the urge to vomit......just DISGUSTING!
But how do you tell someone they smell bad???
Is there a way to do it without hurting their feelings???
From experience, I can say that it can turn out bad but sometimes you just have to do/say shit that may hurt peoples feeling in order for them to get the point. I tell people ALL the time because if I was smelled bad, I'd want to know. That's not cute and no REAL woman or man wants a STANKY man or woman, shit just isn't cute at all.
If you've experienced this and would like to share, PLEASE DO..or if you agree or disagree...let me know about it!
I've run across quite a few people who were/are this way and ALL of them hate to admit it & act like they JUST NOW finding out about it...FORREAL?! YEAH, RIGHT! But it's not just like random "joes" or whatever either, I'm talking friends, family members..even if it was a parent or sibling.
Me PERSONALLY, I think it's unacceptable to just walk around smelling bad...it actually makes me sick to my stomach, LITERALLY! It makes me turn my face up like this
But how do you tell someone they smell bad???
Is there a way to do it without hurting their feelings???
From experience, I can say that it can turn out bad but sometimes you just have to do/say shit that may hurt peoples feeling in order for them to get the point. I tell people ALL the time because if I was smelled bad, I'd want to know. That's not cute and no REAL woman or man wants a STANKY man or woman, shit just isn't cute at all.
If you've experienced this and would like to share, PLEASE DO..or if you agree or disagree...let me know about it!
Trying something new...
Ok so, most of the time I usually greet you all at the beginning of my blog posts right?! Because I feel like even though we're not face to face, when you all come in here to read my thoughts it's like seeing/running into me. I don't know...yall know I'm a bit weird! LMAO. But anywho, I thought that from now on I'd just start my blog off with what ever I was going to talk about and leave it like that. And then once or twice a week or something of that sort, I'd make a post of just talking to you all with the whole greeting and sharing my day or whatnot not. (Like a TRADITIONAL blog & not so much the typical "rant/rave or gossip blog" just an outline of my day & leave the floor open for yall to tell me about yours as well! :o)
So yeah, I hope all is well & your day is going smoothly & stress/drama free! Cuz LORD KNOWS I have enough for ALLLLLLL OF US! Lmao.
***But my day is kiiiiiiiiiinda IFFY right now, I'm going to have to make a separate post about this one though yall, LORD HELP ME! ;o)***
Ok so, most of the time I usually greet you all at the beginning of my blog posts right?! Because I feel like even though we're not face to face, when you all come in here to read my thoughts it's like seeing/running into me. I don't know...yall know I'm a bit weird! LMAO. But anywho, I thought that from now on I'd just start my blog off with what ever I was going to talk about and leave it like that. And then once or twice a week or something of that sort, I'd make a post of just talking to you all with the whole greeting and sharing my day or whatnot not. (Like a TRADITIONAL blog & not so much the typical "rant/rave or gossip blog" just an outline of my day & leave the floor open for yall to tell me about yours as well! :o)
So yeah, I hope all is well & your day is going smoothly & stress/drama free! Cuz LORD KNOWS I have enough for ALLLLLLL OF US! Lmao.
***But my day is kiiiiiiiiiinda IFFY right now, I'm going to have to make a separate post about this one though yall, LORD HELP ME! ;o)***
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