Early today on my Twitter, I asked a few questions about LOVE! These questions arose from a seemingly "never ending" conversation that me and my bff had. It's like I LOVE these types of convos at times because it makes me understand that I'm not the only one who feels the way that I do but then again, I'm confused! :(
I've ALWAYS been a "hopeless romantic" and the LOVE topic comes up a lot but when we speak about it, I become confused because the more I explain my feelings for someone or the feelings that I've had in the past, I kind of feel as if I don't REALLY know what I was feeling completely to begin with. I know that I'm/was interested in a person and so on but HOW interested am I/was I? How deep are/were my feelings? Is/was it just a STRONG like type of feeling or COULD IT BE LOVE???!
Here's what I asked my Twitter fam (in reverse from me @_Misunderstood_):
-I need my ladies & fellahs 2 chime in on this cuz idk wut 2 think right now. :-/ I think @SongzYuuup asked a ? bout love b4 on here while bk
about 3 hours ago from mobile web
-Ppl love 2 say I'm IN LOVE with some1 or has in the past & idk...I doubt it tho but then again, it's possible cuz I love hard generally. IDK
about 3 hours ago from mobile web
-Me & my bff had a discussion similar 2 this last night...til like 6 this morning, both of my cells died out on me! lmao. I NEED 2 KNOW THO!
about 3 hours ago from mobile web
-What is LOVE? Is there a difference between being IN LOVE & just loving some1? How can u tell the difference if any? HOW U KNOW IT?
Here are some responses:
-@TahneishaN @_Misunderstood_ yea there is a difference from loving sum1 & being IN LOVE with sum1, like I love my bff but I'm not in love with my bffabout 3 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to _Misunderstood_
-@Nyhima @_Misunderstood_ there's a diff you can have love 4 sum1 and not be N Love with them! Make sense?about 3 hours ago from UberTwitter in reply to _Misunderstood_
-@TahneishaN@_Misunderstood_ you really can't explain it... it more so a feeling...and you really won't know the difference until you've experienced itabout 3 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to _Misunderstood_
-bellayada@_Misunderstood_ *cont* be in that situation to feel the other person's perspective, ya know?about 3 hours ago from web in reply to _Misunderstood_
-bellayada@_Misunderstood_ You can LOVE someone and not be IN LOVE, it's really hard to explain it. I mean it's one of those things when you have toabout 3 hours ago from web in reply to _Misunderstood_
***So what do yall think??? And is there a such thing as TRUE LOVE or REAL LOVE, as if for the most part the LOVE that we seem to think we have or feel for one another is fake or not just not what we THOUGHT it was???!
Please chime in and share your beliefs/perspectives on this topic! :)***
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