So yall already know that I am a "Trey Songz" FANATIC...with this being said, here are Trey's latest mixtapes...
More info on Trey Songz @:
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Taking A Brief Intermission...
Hello lovez!
Today is a good day, just because I am alive and well and I know there are others that are in situations far worst than mine. So for this alone, I am grateful...THANK YOU GOD!
There have been many situations in my life where I've wanted to just give up, but because I am such a "go-getter" I just can't seem to call it quits. So through it all, I'll always keep a smile on my face and my head held high because I know what's in store for me, my future holds many things unmatched by a dollar sign.
Seeing as though today could have been a GREAT day but instead it's just a good day, I will take some time to reflect on it all and come back with more heat for you all at a later date.
Thanks for the love and support, whether I have one follower/reader or one million...I'm grateful nonetheless. I just might write some things down in one of my MANY writing tablets that I have but never use, I guess writing is easy for me...freestyling at it's best.
Today is a good day, just because I am alive and well and I know there are others that are in situations far worst than mine. So for this alone, I am grateful...THANK YOU GOD!
There have been many situations in my life where I've wanted to just give up, but because I am such a "go-getter" I just can't seem to call it quits. So through it all, I'll always keep a smile on my face and my head held high because I know what's in store for me, my future holds many things unmatched by a dollar sign.
Seeing as though today could have been a GREAT day but instead it's just a good day, I will take some time to reflect on it all and come back with more heat for you all at a later date.
Thanks for the love and support, whether I have one follower/reader or one million...I'm grateful nonetheless. I just might write some things down in one of my MANY writing tablets that I have but never use, I guess writing is easy for me...freestyling at it's best.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Waiting to have it always a good choice?!
Hello lovez!
Last night my sister (Reecie) and I were having this random conversation. I have no idea what sparked this one in particular but it really made me think & I decided to share it with you all.
So me and Reecie were talking about sex and whether or not we should wait until marriage to have sex right?! So Reecie asked me what if a couple waited until marriage to get down with the get down but coming to find out he had a "toddler penis," or she has some loose "gushy," or one or both of them couldn't put it down?!
Last night my sister (Reecie) and I were having this random conversation. I have no idea what sparked this one in particular but it really made me think & I decided to share it with you all.
So me and Reecie were talking about sex and whether or not we should wait until marriage to have sex right?! So Reecie asked me what if a couple waited until marriage to get down with the get down but coming to find out he had a "toddler penis," or she has some loose "gushy," or one or both of them couldn't put it down?!
When it comes to the female having a loose "gushy," of course she's not a virgin. Either she was VERY active previously and decided to try and get on track or she still is and just isn't getting down with her guy. Either way....what should HE do? Me personally, I said I'd be pissed and it'll DEFINITELY be over and done with but I'd more than likely kick her ass because that's the type of shit you need to know about up front...guess that's why I'm a woman and not a man! Lol.
If the guy was a part of the itty-bitty club...hmmm, that's kind of hard because he could possibly be a really nice guy with a really small package. :-/ I know it may seem wrong to some but I'd more than likely leave his ass! I've heard that some "small" guys know how to work it, but I don't know about all of that sooo, yeah!
Let's say I did wait until I was married to have sex and my guy is SUPPOSED to be experienced but I couldn't tell. I told Reecie that just like everything else in life, MOST of us have to learn how to do this or that and sex isn't any different...I don't think. The example that I gave her was learning how to ride a bike. Some of us just hop right on and we kill it like we invented it while others lack in that area and have to practice a little more. I honestly believe that sex is the same way. If you suck at it in the beginning, keep at it because practice makes perfect! Lol. Especially if your partner is TRULY experienced, he or she should be able to help teach you how to do what needs to be done.
***But what do yall think? What would you do in either or all of these situations? If you are planning to wait until marriage, has this post made you think more on your decision...what are your thoughts???***
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Yall gotta read this...!!!
Ok so, I did a blog post about my girl Brook Lynne Carter not too long ago right?! Well, she is @ it again...I swear she's the next NecoleBitchie on this blog shit but of a different caliber, feel me???
Ms. Carter's latest blog is entitled "lame sex. same sex." and even though I still got my V-Card [I exchange V-Cards w/the retards! lol, that's my favorite part of the song! :)] -cough- I can still feel her on what she had to say.
***Not to be clit-riding or not shit but um, yeah...check out her post. Even if you don't like her blog, you should be able to relate and/or disagree because it deals with SEX...and who doesn't love to engage in a topic as great as SEX?!?!?!?!***
But there's more to the post than just sex, definitely a MUST READ!!
Lame Sex. Same Sex....
Ms. Carter's latest blog is entitled "lame sex. same sex." and even though I still got my V-Card [I exchange V-Cards w/the retards! lol, that's my favorite part of the song! :)] -cough- I can still feel her on what she had to say.
***Not to be clit-riding or not shit but um, yeah...check out her post. Even if you don't like her blog, you should be able to relate and/or disagree because it deals with SEX...and who doesn't love to engage in a topic as great as SEX?!?!?!?!***
But there's more to the post than just sex, definitely a MUST READ!!
Lame Sex. Same Sex....
Friday, June 26, 2009
N.A.N. & D.B. BD/BM...
Ok so, somethings have transpired within my personal life that makes me want to write a blog that is also my outlet to vent to the world about these very DISTURBING situations. I feel like just about EVERY DAMN BODY...if not EVERY DAMN BODY, should be able to feel me on this shit.
First thing first: N.A.N. & D.B. BD/BM =NUTHN ASS NIGGAZ & DEATBEAT BABY-DADDY/BABY-MOMMAZ!!! Now who hasn't come into contact with one of these at least ONCE?!
It's one thing to be a struggling parent whether you're a single parent (as in raising your child w/o help from the other parent) or being single and you have help from your child's mother or father but it still isn't enough. Being a N.A.N. & D.B. BD/BM is someone who has opportunities in front of them or HAD an opportunity or opportunities but you chose otherwise due to your own selfish reasons. I.E.-Not working a regular 9-5 because you'd rather "TRAP"...FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT SHIT!!!
FYI-Real trap stars, I have no problem with yall because most of you started at a young age as a way to help out your single mother who worked long hours for little to damn near no pay. They get caught up in it and it's hard to leave once they get older because they've already had a conviction or two and etc... <-- I feel that, nothing against yall at all!!!
But these niggaz that "trap" because they think it's cute and move their kids from one place to the next and still don't have 2 FUCKING NICKLES TO RUB TOGETHER...YALL SHOULD JUST KILL YOURSELVES!!! (sorta speak!)
And then there's the "mothers" that prefer to stick by these raggedy ass niggas because they're either scared of them or whatever and then they complain when everything is on their shoulders (I COMMEND YALL FOR STICKING IN THERE FOR YOUR KIDS BUT YOU'RE HURTING THEM IN THE LONG RUN...LET THEM NIGGAZ GO, U CAN DO BAD BY YOUR DAMN SELF!!!) There's also these chics that I consider DEADBEAT MOMMAZ that don't want to work for shit and would rather be on welfare and eat up all of the tax payers money! If you're not able to work because of a disability or you've tried and tried to no avail...FINE but don't give up! These other bitches that I'm referring to now are noting like that. I'm talking about the ones who feel as if "IT'S THEIR DADDY'S TIME TO RAISE THEM, I'M DONE, I'M TIRED!" BITCH PUH-LEEZE! I can give you SEVERAL lists of women who raised their kids w/o an active father in their lives...COULD THEY EVER SAY THEY WERE "TIRED OR DONE?!"
These children didn't ask to be here and they for damn sure didn't spread their legs like YOU did in order for them to be here in the first place!
And then we have the DEADBEAT MOMMAZ & DADDYS that want help and receive help...FROM A BITCH LIKE ME and they mad because you did more for their child (children) then they EVER WTF?! YOU'RE SERIOUS?! If yall cared enough, I wouldn't have to do it...stay your raggedy asses out of jail and off yall backs and MAYBE, just MAYBE you'll accomplish something!!!
First thing first: N.A.N. & D.B. BD/BM =NUTHN ASS NIGGAZ & DEATBEAT BABY-DADDY/BABY-MOMMAZ!!! Now who hasn't come into contact with one of these at least ONCE?!
It's one thing to be a struggling parent whether you're a single parent (as in raising your child w/o help from the other parent) or being single and you have help from your child's mother or father but it still isn't enough. Being a N.A.N. & D.B. BD/BM is someone who has opportunities in front of them or HAD an opportunity or opportunities but you chose otherwise due to your own selfish reasons. I.E.-Not working a regular 9-5 because you'd rather "TRAP"...FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT SHIT!!!
FYI-Real trap stars, I have no problem with yall because most of you started at a young age as a way to help out your single mother who worked long hours for little to damn near no pay. They get caught up in it and it's hard to leave once they get older because they've already had a conviction or two and etc... <-- I feel that, nothing against yall at all!!!
But these niggaz that "trap" because they think it's cute and move their kids from one place to the next and still don't have 2 FUCKING NICKLES TO RUB TOGETHER...YALL SHOULD JUST KILL YOURSELVES!!! (sorta speak!)
And then there's the "mothers" that prefer to stick by these raggedy ass niggas because they're either scared of them or whatever and then they complain when everything is on their shoulders (I COMMEND YALL FOR STICKING IN THERE FOR YOUR KIDS BUT YOU'RE HURTING THEM IN THE LONG RUN...LET THEM NIGGAZ GO, U CAN DO BAD BY YOUR DAMN SELF!!!) There's also these chics that I consider DEADBEAT MOMMAZ that don't want to work for shit and would rather be on welfare and eat up all of the tax payers money! If you're not able to work because of a disability or you've tried and tried to no avail...FINE but don't give up! These other bitches that I'm referring to now are noting like that. I'm talking about the ones who feel as if "IT'S THEIR DADDY'S TIME TO RAISE THEM, I'M DONE, I'M TIRED!" BITCH PUH-LEEZE! I can give you SEVERAL lists of women who raised their kids w/o an active father in their lives...COULD THEY EVER SAY THEY WERE "TIRED OR DONE?!"
These children didn't ask to be here and they for damn sure didn't spread their legs like YOU did in order for them to be here in the first place!
And then we have the DEADBEAT MOMMAZ & DADDYS that want help and receive help...FROM A BITCH LIKE ME and they mad because you did more for their child (children) then they EVER WTF?! YOU'RE SERIOUS?! If yall cared enough, I wouldn't have to do it...stay your raggedy asses out of jail and off yall backs and MAYBE, just MAYBE you'll accomplish something!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The world suffered a VERY unfortunate loss today with the physical death of one of musics most influential artists to date. The man known to most as "The King of Pop" left this Earth today around noon, says his brother Randy Jackson.
Regardless of what his cause of death may have been, the world was not ready for this one! No one in his/her right mind would have thought that on Thursday June 25, 2009 at 12 o'clock pm(pacific time), Michael Joseph Jackson would no longer breathe again. 
The passing of King MJ has started a frenzy like no other. People all over the world has been reporting their comments on his death via Internet sites and it has definitely "Started Something!" 
A lot of MJ's fans have been mourning him and taking it pretty hard while others chose to be disrespectful. There has also been a few that spoke his/her piece on Michael Jackson and his life while here on Earth in a manner that was nothing more than just being opinionated.
Being as though I'm VERY, VERY, VERY opinionated myself and will speak my mind as I see fit, I respect all views but like any other situation...a line MUST be drawn!!!
This man hasn't been dead 12 hours yet (not completely), and folks are already being disrespectful. It's one thing to voice your opinion of someone but it's totally different when you're being disrespectful..whether the person of concern is dead or very much alive and well. 
With that being said, those being blatantly disrespectful should be ashamed of themselves because if any one of us were in his position we'd want respect to be shown...REGARDLESS OF HOW WE LIVED OUR LIVES WHILE WE WERE HERE ON EARTH!!!
***True enough he had a few scandals involving children but he's not the first and won't be the last. A lot of things are pushed under the rug but when the person of "concern" is in the spotlight people get all bent out of shape about it. There's nothing wrong with wanting to pray for him and his family, we should all pray for them because everyone goes through a time of bereavement and it's a sign of respect for people in general. But if you're not spiritual in anyway...regardless of the religion or nationality, that's cool each their own. But if you know like I know..YOU MIGHT WANT TO FIND SOMEONE TO CALL ON & WORSHIP BECAUSE TIME WAITS ON NO ONE AND BEST BELIEVE THE LORD IS COMING BACK 4 U, NO MATTER WHERE YOUR ETERNAL HOME WILL BE...BELEE DAT!!! <--not a preacher, just the facts!!! :)
***Oh and I'm sure Janet is taking this pretty hard...let the woman breathe yall...DAMN!!!!***
Yours Truly... ~♥QUEEN♥~
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Justice has been served...or has it?!
As you all should know by now, Chris Brown & Rihanna went to court on Monday 6/22/2009. Chris Brown has changed his plea, and the judge has rendered a verdict! 
A very popular blog site (that is known for it's accuracy),, has received info via TMZ and the results of this case are:
"He’ll spend 180 days doing community labor (8 hours a day — 1440 hours total) — which is, in effect, hard labor. He’ll do his service in Virginia which is where Brown lives. A Virginia law enforcement officer told us Brown will be picking up trash, pulling weeds and washing fire trucks.
He gets 5 years probation for FELONY assault — he pled guilty. He’ll get supervised probation. He’ll have to come back to court every three months. He must enroll in a domestic violence counseling program.
This is interesting … the judge said if Brown and Rihanna are at the same public events, the 50-yard stay away turns into 10 yards. The stay away order lasts 5 years.
The judge said she wanted to make sure that Chris Brown “was treated as any other person who comes through this court.”
If Brown violates probation, he could get up to 4 years in prison. Rihanna is in the courthouse but never entered the courtroom. So Brown is now a convicted felon and loses the right to vote or carry a gun."
>>>Now, eventhough that sentence does seem kind of lenient, is it REALLY fair to Mr. Chris Brown? I'm asking this because not only am I a die-hard fan of CB, but I have a degree in Criminal Justice...and I'm still not too fond of the system. I know that every state has its own guidelines as far as laws & sentencing goes but is it REALLY that serious??? Seeing as though Chris hasn't had any prior convictions nor has he even been arested before this incident. This young man now has a FELONY on his record for something that I think was quite petty. Not "assault" in itself but the outcome of the assault.
I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with that would be considered as "spousal" or what have you but the pics that I seen weren't enough evidence to give that man a FELONY on his record. Some may consider me as being bias but I see it as the TRUTH. I've witnessed abuse growing up & to tell you the truth RIHANNA DIDN'T GET THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF HER like some may think. The pictures that we LEAKED seemed to have been blown up to try and make things seem like something that it's not. It's just like when you see a sales ad in the paper about an item and they blow it up just to wheel you into believing in the product or even a food commercial. The situation is never as GOOD or as BAD as the promotion for it. That's just my take on it. What do you all think???
Yours Truly... ~♥QUEEN♥~
A very popular blog site (that is known for it's accuracy),, has received info via TMZ and the results of this case are:
"He’ll spend 180 days doing community labor (8 hours a day — 1440 hours total) — which is, in effect, hard labor. He’ll do his service in Virginia which is where Brown lives. A Virginia law enforcement officer told us Brown will be picking up trash, pulling weeds and washing fire trucks.
He gets 5 years probation for FELONY assault — he pled guilty. He’ll get supervised probation. He’ll have to come back to court every three months. He must enroll in a domestic violence counseling program.
This is interesting … the judge said if Brown and Rihanna are at the same public events, the 50-yard stay away turns into 10 yards. The stay away order lasts 5 years.
The judge said she wanted to make sure that Chris Brown “was treated as any other person who comes through this court.”
If Brown violates probation, he could get up to 4 years in prison. Rihanna is in the courthouse but never entered the courtroom. So Brown is now a convicted felon and loses the right to vote or carry a gun."
>>>Now, eventhough that sentence does seem kind of lenient, is it REALLY fair to Mr. Chris Brown? I'm asking this because not only am I a die-hard fan of CB, but I have a degree in Criminal Justice...and I'm still not too fond of the system. I know that every state has its own guidelines as far as laws & sentencing goes but is it REALLY that serious??? Seeing as though Chris hasn't had any prior convictions nor has he even been arested before this incident. This young man now has a FELONY on his record for something that I think was quite petty. Not "assault" in itself but the outcome of the assault.
I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with that would be considered as "spousal" or what have you but the pics that I seen weren't enough evidence to give that man a FELONY on his record. Some may consider me as being bias but I see it as the TRUTH. I've witnessed abuse growing up & to tell you the truth RIHANNA DIDN'T GET THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF HER like some may think. The pictures that we LEAKED seemed to have been blown up to try and make things seem like something that it's not. It's just like when you see a sales ad in the paper about an item and they blow it up just to wheel you into believing in the product or even a food commercial. The situation is never as GOOD or as BAD as the promotion for it. That's just my take on it. What do you all think???
Yours Truly... ~♥QUEEN♥~
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
MORE........Than Just a Stripper!!!
Ok sooooo, I'm back sooner than I thought. I had something on my mind and decided that now is the time to blog about it because I've felt this way for a while.
My {Twitter} homegirl Brook Lynne Carter happens to be a stripper, working at the World's Famous "Magic City" here in Atlanta, Georgia. And she recently made a blog post about how people judge strippers and not their customers. This topic brought about a lot of controversy on her blog but it was great to read nonetheless. I'm mentioning this because anyone who knows Brook and/or know of her would have to HONESTLY say that she's more than just a "stripper," in fact she's actually very intelligent/intellectual.
I think people should at LEAST try their best to not judge a book by its cover. *NOT EVERY STRIPPER IS A HOE & BECAUSE THEY STRIP, THAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER TO THE WORLD!!!* <---Quote me on that one!!! ;o) Brook also has a goal of becoming an author, she's preparing for her first book, GO BROOK!!! :)
-Here's her blog link:
-Be sure to hit her twitter up as well:
They call him...SONGZ......YUUUP!!!
I decided to just update yall with a LIL something. :)
Anybody who has read my previous blog posts or has had a chat or two with me on Twitter/Myspace/Facebook or any other site should damn well know by now that I LOOOOOVE, LOVE, LOVE me some Tremaine Neverson..."Trey Songz" for those of you who don't know his!

Anywho, Trey {whom I DON'T know personally...b4 that becomes some CRAZY rumor} has been on his grustle {grind+hustle} as usual but he's REALLY on to something these days. He has been dropping new music via Twitter like everyday/every other day...or so it seems. Imma post a few links if possible of some songs for you all to view if you haven't already.
ALSO, Trey has a brand new blog...please feel free to check it out & show him some ♥ or hate! (We can all use a lil ammunition sometimes! lol)
HERE'S THE LINK TO HIS BLOG AND A SNIPPET FROM IT W/THIS "OH SO CONTROVERSIAL" NEW TRACK (Death of Kellz Autotune): First off, anyone who is familiar with my history knows I'm a HUGE R. Kelly fan & have been inspired by him since my early beginnings musically. So while some may take this as disrespect, those who truly listen to the lyrics will understand my urging him to go harder. I've been compared to R. Kelly since my career began while we all can recall R. Kelly stepping on the scene sounding AND looking JUST like Aaron Hall. {To read more, click here: }
Yours Truly,
I decided to just update yall with a LIL something. :)
Anybody who has read my previous blog posts or has had a chat or two with me on Twitter/Myspace/Facebook or any other site should damn well know by now that I LOOOOOVE, LOVE, LOVE me some Tremaine Neverson..."Trey Songz" for those of you who don't know his!
Anywho, Trey {whom I DON'T know personally...b4 that becomes some CRAZY rumor} has been on his grustle {grind+hustle} as usual but he's REALLY on to something these days. He has been dropping new music via Twitter like everyday/every other day...or so it seems. Imma post a few links if possible of some songs for you all to view if you haven't already.
ALSO, Trey has a brand new blog...please feel free to check it out & show him some ♥ or hate! (We can all use a lil ammunition sometimes! lol)
HERE'S THE LINK TO HIS BLOG AND A SNIPPET FROM IT W/THIS "OH SO CONTROVERSIAL" NEW TRACK (Death of Kellz Autotune): First off, anyone who is familiar with my history knows I'm a HUGE R. Kelly fan & have been inspired by him since my early beginnings musically. So while some may take this as disrespect, those who truly listen to the lyrics will understand my urging him to go harder. I've been compared to R. Kelly since my career began while we all can recall R. Kelly stepping on the scene sounding AND looking JUST like Aaron Hall. {To read more, click here: }
Yours Truly,
Hey Lovez! ;)
I was supposed to update this blog, what seems like AGES ago. Sorry for my procrastination but I've been dealing with a lot lately. My mother has been sick and in and out of the hospital and I've been the one picking up her slack. So yeah, I miss writing and will be back REALLY SOON! Thanx 4 the love!
I was supposed to update this blog, what seems like AGES ago. Sorry for my procrastination but I've been dealing with a lot lately. My mother has been sick and in and out of the hospital and I've been the one picking up her slack. So yeah, I miss writing and will be back REALLY SOON! Thanx 4 the love!
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