Ok sooooo, I'm back sooner than I thought. I had something on my mind and decided that now is the time to blog about it because I've felt this way for a while.
My {Twitter} homegirl Brook Lynne Carter happens to be a stripper, working at the World's Famous "Magic City" here in Atlanta, Georgia. And she recently made a blog post about how people judge strippers and not their customers. This topic brought about a lot of controversy on her blog but it was great to read nonetheless. I'm mentioning this because anyone who knows Brook and/or know of her would have to HONESTLY say that she's more than just a "stripper," in fact she's actually very intelligent/intellectual.
I think people should at LEAST try their best to not judge a book by its cover. *NOT EVERY STRIPPER IS A HOE & BECAUSE THEY STRIP, THAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER TO THE WORLD!!!* <---Quote me on that one!!! ;o) Brook also has a goal of becoming an author, she's preparing for her first book, GO BROOK!!! :)
-Here's her blog link: http://www.absolutebrook.com/
-Be sure to hit her twitter up as well: http://twitter.com/brookandthecity
Love this blog hun...and I totally understand where you are coming from. I learned a while ago to never judge a book by its cover.
Brook babes you pay these ignorant people no mind and keep doin you boo boo!!!!
TahneishaN aka Msnashelle
Thank U Neisha Boo! I'm sure Brook appreciates it as well. She's really a nice person so it irks me when folks come out they face wrong about her.
thank you so much for the plug baby, the world needs more supporters and less negativity, i appreciate every word and moment of time you put into this!
You're welcome love & I'm glad you like it. It was kinda rushed but ya know. For some reason, I it popped into my head and I said why the hell not?! I wanna be able to do a follow up about it in the future when I have a lil more info/insight, many blessings on all your endeavors mamaz! :)
I respect this. it's s0o real people are quick to judge then you meet someone like Brook. people need to wise up there's def. more than meets the eye.
I personally do not know Brook, but I read her blog religiously & also follow her on twitter. I agree w you she is way more than just a stripper. I always say Brooklynne Carter= beauty + brains. She is very intelligent (not sure if I spelled that RT) but anywho she's also very outspoken. I love to read her blog bc her writing is DEEP. It always makes me think, & put a lot of things in perspective. I dont know why ppl continously judge strippers or have negative thoughts, but Brook is definitely giving HATERS a run for their $. I cant wait for her book.
@ConcealedPerplexity like I said I read her blog religiously & I sometimes go back just to read the comments that others have left. Im always amazed & how many ppl leave negative comments about a person that they dont even know & half the time these ppl dont even know wtf their talking about.
Well Miss Concealed, I think the whole world could do with a little less assuming... and that Brook is kind of hot. Magic City, eh?
--I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking, babe.
K. Michel,
Lol, thanx for the comment hun! Yes the world could at least TRY not to assume things so much and get to know a thing or two about a person before judging them. And yeah my girl HOOOOTTTT!!!! :0)
If u live in ATL or ever come here to visit, check her out! :)
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