A very popular blog site (that is known for it's accuracy), http://www.necolebitchie.com/, has received info via TMZ and the results of this case are:
"He’ll spend 180 days doing community labor (8 hours a day — 1440 hours total) — which is, in effect, hard labor. He’ll do his service in Virginia which is where Brown lives. A Virginia law enforcement officer told us Brown will be picking up trash, pulling weeds and washing fire trucks.
He gets 5 years probation for FELONY assault — he pled guilty. He’ll get supervised probation. He’ll have to come back to court every three months. He must enroll in a domestic violence counseling program.
This is interesting … the judge said if Brown and Rihanna are at the same public events, the 50-yard stay away turns into 10 yards. The stay away order lasts 5 years.
The judge said she wanted to make sure that Chris Brown “was treated as any other person who comes through this court.”
If Brown violates probation, he could get up to 4 years in prison. Rihanna is in the courthouse but never entered the courtroom. So Brown is now a convicted felon and loses the right to vote or carry a gun."
>>>Now, eventhough that sentence does seem kind of lenient, is it REALLY fair to Mr. Chris Brown? I'm asking this because not only am I a die-hard fan of CB, but I have a degree in Criminal Justice...and I'm still not too fond of the system. I know that every state has its own guidelines as far as laws & sentencing goes but is it REALLY that serious??? Seeing as though Chris hasn't had any prior convictions nor has he even been arested before this incident. This young man now has a FELONY on his record for something that I think was quite petty. Not "assault" in itself but the outcome of the assault.
I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with abuse..one that would be considered as "spousal" or what have you but the pics that I seen weren't enough evidence to give that man a FELONY on his record. Some may consider me as being bias but I see it as the TRUTH. I've witnessed abuse growing up & to tell you the truth RIHANNA DIDN'T GET THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF HER like some may think. The pictures that we LEAKED seemed to have been blown up to try and make things seem like something that it's not. It's just like when you see a sales ad in the paper about an item and they blow it up just to wheel you into believing in the product or even a food commercial. The situation is never as GOOD or as BAD as the promotion for it. That's just my take on it. What do you all think???
Yours Truly... ~♥QUEEN♥~
KIRA!!! Honey, I feel the same mothereffin' way! I was livid when I heard (read) the verdict of the trial. First and foremost, I think the entire situation was blown out of control. I know I don't know him personally, however, I do believe that he was a sweet and kind young man and would never be a monster. No one knows what happened in that car. No one knows what happened in their relationship for the events to transpire. I'm not saying this I agree with what happened because obviously he did indeed hit her at least ONCE! I'm not condoning violence but for him to have to live the rest of his life as a convicted FELON really upsets me. I used to be a fan of her, but now I have a bad taste in my mouth when I say her name and I can't stand her. Nobody EVER tried to get his side of the story, they just wanted to make her out as the victim and him as a monster. FUCK THAT! Like you said, it was his first offense, so I think they could have went a little less hard on him. Matter fact I know for a fact that these domestic "situations" aren't taken that seriously, they're trying to end his career.
Before I go:
I do think that he should bag back from the music scene right now and wait to release a new album until all this hype calms down. I thinks it's too early.
Oh and keeks...stop rushing me bish!!!
Very well put my dear!!! :)
U hit a lot of key points, a lot of other ish i was thinking but I'm not trying to persuade folks here..i wanna know how u all feel. So thanx hun & on the music thing..I agree but disagree bcuz the game needs him. ALL WE GOT NOW IS TREY..NOT THAT HE ISN'T ENOUGH BCUZ HE'S MOOOOORRRRREEE THAN ENOUGH FOR ME!!!! LMFAOOO!!!
**And u BETTER had commented!:) j/K.**
(We got other folk like Sammie too and etc. so no offense but I'm talkn impact artists. <---SAMMIE THE DEALIE THO...YALL BETTER FIND OUT!!! **Imma do a blog on him soon! :)**
They shoulda stuck his ass in a cell for 4 years if that was me a regular nigga who don't sell millions of records I would be behind bars doin time..and we all kno he won't do any community service..jus like T.I who was supposed to serve a year in prison for weapon charges..lol now he only has to serve 2months..damn celebs!
"They shoulda stuck his ass in a cell for 4 years if that was me a regular nigga who don't sell millions of records I would be behind bars doin time..and we all kno he won't do any community service..jus like T.I who was supposed to serve a year in prison for weapon charges..lol now he only has to serve 2months..damn celebs!"
Well...I appreciate the feedback love regardless of your opinion. But just for the record...a "REGULAR NIGGA" wouldn't have gotten anything! I've seen this shit with my own two eyes. I was in court with my sister before and the guy walked free. So don't tell me bout the system and how "REGULAR NIGGAS" get it worse, cuz "yall" don't! A "REGULAR NIGGA," wouldn't have had the media all on his back like Chris did and STILL does. In some cities and states it would affect a man's personal life..I.E. job wise but in some it wouldn't. But for him to have busted his ass and made all that money then folks try and take it AWAY...that's trife, str8 up and down! Now if it affected future endeavors..it's somewhat understandable but NO ONE should be able to take away something you have already worked for...PERIOD, "REGULAR NIGGA" or not!!!!
And what makes Chris or TI so "IRREGULAR???" They eat, sleep, shit, & breathe just as we all do hun. I just feel as if some get raw deals and some others don't. I have a "LOVE/HATE" type of feeling for TI's sentence as well, but I'll make that a blog of it its own.
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