Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chris Brown: Public Apology...

Though some may beg to differ with my opinion, I believe Chris Brown's apology was VERY sincere. Of course it was scripted but aren't all public apologies & speeches for press conference hearings and etc.??? I'm glad that he was actually able to SAY SOMETHING even though my gut feeling is telling me that he wished he could say more. One thing I am for certain about is that CHRIS BROWN WANTS ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT TO BE OVER AND DONE WITH....ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

We can all voice our opinions on this subject as a whole or just this apology alone but I think Trey Songz said it best yesterday when he stated his opinion in his blog: "Accepting responsibility is a hard thing to do but necessary when owning up to your mistakes. I think his apology is a real one and I'm happy he did it. But like I said before, there is only ONE judge."

Not to dick ride him or nothing because I know I speak about him frequently! lol. But I HONESTLY agree with Mr. Songz 100% because in the end, the opinion of God (or whomever you believe in) is all that matters.

BUT....I am interested in knowing what you all think! So, feel free to comment as much as you like.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You made some good points there. I did a search on the matter and found the majority of people will consent with your blog.
