Today's blog is a lil bit different than my average. I just want to send out a message to all of my readers/fellow bloggers.
My day..............hell, my WEEK hasn't been the greatest but yall know me, I try to take things in stride and keep it moving. This week was a bit different because I've been hurt many times this week & it's always seemed to be by someone close to me, someone that I'm kin to or consider family. I'm a VERY big "family person." Family means lot to me & I feel as if my friends ARE my family as well. My brother always says that, "friends are the family that you choose" and I TOTALLY agree with him.
So this week, I've fell out with my eldest sister COMPLETELY and it's sad and some may say I'm wrong but you'd have to know the entire story in order to fully understand. But we fell out & now it's like, she no longer exists to me. I use to be a VERY emotional person when I was younger and I still am, just in a different way. My emotion is seen through anger & rage more so than anything when I'm upset, it would have to be EXTREMELY severe for me to cry or something of that sort.
Anywho, I've had quite a few incidents with a female that I've considered my "best friend" for years and this is like a never ending story with us. We've had this back & forth relationship where we'd distance ourselves from one another & then be back to normal at other times. Right now, I'm at the point where I just could careless if we are "friends" or not....well for the most part and then again I'm trying to hold on to a friendship that seems to have been over for years now.
But the moral of this long story is that I'm fed up and the things that I've dealt with, with both females. All of this could have been avoided had I followed my gut. It's always important to listen to your inner self CAREFULLY and to follow your gut instinct because if you don't you could experience a lot of unnecessary bull. If someone shows you who the really are...........BELIEVE THEM!!!
***If it looks, wobbles and quacks like a duck, guess what??? 9x's out of 10....IT PROBABLY IS!!!!***
Yours Truly,
i loved the blog.
wow i`m so sorry.... this isn't enough for me you know I need the whole story you will be getting a call
So, I feel like you are so right. Regardless sometimes if people are family or not, you still don't need to be affiliated with them. For instance, I have a sister or two I don't hang around because I know they're not reliable, & they don't keep it real with me. Or they may just want me around for my money. Yes, you're SUPPOSED to be close to your family, but I'm sorry, I'm someone who keeps it real at all times so if I piss people/family members off for sayin' the truth about why they're around, then hey, must be true right? It's funny because everyone wants to BE real & imitate but I mean, God didn't make everybody the same, a person can act however they want, as long as it's as far away from me as possible. As for your best friend situation, the person I would call my best friend is a person I don't agree with on many things. We only got in one huge argument over some bullshit but I really don't see eye to eye with her on the way she lives her life. My thing to remember is it's HER life, not mine. If I try to tell her somethin' & she doesn't listen, that is a-okay because it's HER decision. Those bridges you need to burn are just things that happen in life.. No matter the person's relation to you, if somethin' just ain't right, it ain't right. Don't worry about seein' eye to eye with people, God places people in your life, but he also takes them out.
*SydneyRenee'- Welcome hun & thanx for following my blog & for the comment. Feel free to come back anytime & tell ur friends about me! :)
*Dev'Ron- Thanx for the comment sweetie, yes ur BIOLOGICAL mother is a pain in my rear & we both know how that goes! I appreciate the comment, i could hear u saying those words...u sound SO grown up! lol. I miss u! :( Thanx, come back thru here more often & spread the word for me plz!
*Shana- Lol, U know I got u babe & will be letn u know ALL about the ins & outs of the whole thing later tonight. Thanx 4 the comment & don't be a stranger hun.
*Lala- Thank u SO much boo!!! U made a lot of sense too...I need 2 read UR blog! :) But yeah as far as my "BFF" it's not more-so as her life I'm worried about, it's how flakely things seem @ times between us. :-/ Imma talk 2 her & see wut she says but I just had 2 vent u know?! Thanx again & come back often
Yeah, just have a conversation with your BFF & see how she handles whatever you say to her. That should let you know whether to cross the bridge or burn it down right then & there. As for me & my blogs, I gotta get on em lol. I think I'ma write one today.
First off, let me thank you for visiting my blog. Secondly, what a great entry. I agree with LaLa..just because people are "family" doesn't mean you have to deal with them as such. There will always be family love and what not...but what I've learned is sometimes family are the first to wrong you or hurt you. You can love em from a distance. Believe me...I've been there and done that with a few individuals. Oh and the duck @ the end..priceless. :-)~
*Lala- Lol, U need to get on that girl! And i will, thanx.
*MissToya- Y thank u dear & u're very welcome as well! And u're right, fam is usually the 1st to screw u. The duck....LMFAO, I just HAD to do it!!! I felt like that was just the icing on the cake. :)
***Thanx once again readers r the fuckn BESSST!!!***
Hey Boo this is Nonotanymore I just read your blog loved it and very well put people should really believe this......*****Five Stars..good job Luv.
*Nikki- Thanx babe, u always show love & i REALLY appreciate it! :)
I love this blog... I kinda have the same situation only with one of my friends I have called my "sister" since we were about 7. I'm sorry that this happen, but if it's not too much I would like to know the story (if possible). Keep doing ya thing on the blog mamma
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