Friday, December 11, 2009

Poem "Untitled"

Hello Loves!

I know it's been a very long time, your girl stay on the move. This journey we call "life" can be very trying and time consuming at times. With that's a lil inspiration!

Unaware of what my future hold,
I sit back as this dream unfolds,
Tryn to take it all in stride,
But I'd be lyin if I didn't say this is one hell of a ride,
putn all my pride aside & dealing with the struggles that constantly arise,
this day to day journey can leave you empty inside,
weak, worn & torn yet still I survive,
letn go of all the hurt inside as I do my best to provide....
for myself & loved one near that can't do for themselves,
yet draining myself,
feeling as if I have little to no help,
not always remembering a VERY important rule:
'Give it to God,
he'll never give too much to you,
and will be sure to see you thru'
***Just a lil something that I did while bored at work, I hope you all like!!!!***


Tuesday, September 8, 2009



I know it's been a minute yall, sorry for the long delay but I'll try my best to update on a regular basis again. I've been THROUGH it...forreal! Things are looking a bit better so, don't give up on your girl! I appreciate all the love & support and the best is yet to come.

I'll be updating this a lil later this week, doubt if I'll be able to do it today because I have a lot that I need to accomplish and so little time. PLUS, I'm supposed to see TREY SONGZ today, BONG! Lol. Nah but forreal, I am supposed to go to this lil event know.


Yours Truly,


****Ooooh, 1 more thing! I have another blog!!!! I made the title for it a while ago & then ran into some stuff but yeah, we're up & running now...check it out for me PLEASE!!??!!???!!!****

Sunday, August 9, 2009




Any1 into cartoons/animated movies???

I'm not big on cartoons & animations but this movie is a MUST SEE!!! IF you have children or like these types or things or even if it's NOT your style, you might want to check this movie out because it just might surprise you. I seen it about 2 weeks ago & I absolutely loved it!

My life has kind of been in shambles lately and this took my mind off of it, even if it was ONLY for a short period of time. SO IF YOU'RE GOING THROUGH SOMETHING AND CAN AFFORD TO GO SEE THIS MOVIE PLEASE DO SO!LIVE A LITTLE & BECOME 1 WITH YOUR INNER CHILD..LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE STRESSED & DEPRESSED OVER BULLSHIT!!!

Here's the trailer to G-FORCE:



Friday, August 7, 2009

Such a fucked up day! Ughk! :(


My day has been SO fucked up yall!!!

I did something yesterday that made me feel good but now I'm like, "DAMN, WHY DID I DO THAT?!" Because now, I have to deal with he consequences of that action. It's not SUCH a bad consequence but it's still one I could do without right now.

I woke up this morning & my mood was COMPLETELY SHITTY, forreal! I wasn't in a bad mood when I first opened my eyes but somethings transpired shortly after waking up so my day has been.............OFF! One thing that did make me smile & lift my spirits was this song:

***Some may not like this song but I think it's great! Not only because it's "Trey Songz" song *LOL :)* but because it's a happy song & we all need that in our lives. STOP HATING HATERS & ENJOY GOOD MUSIC & THE SPIRIT OF TRUE HUSTLERS, YUUUP!

~~~How has your day/week been???? PLEASE POST RESPONSES..I WANNA KNOOOOOW! ;o)~~~


Saturday, August 1, 2009

BFF (Best Friend Forever)


–adjective, superl. of good with better as compar.
of the highest quality, excellence, or standing: the best work; the best students.
most advantageous, suitable, or desirable: the best way.
largest; most: the best part of a day.
–adverb, superl. of well with better as compar.
most excellently or suitably; with most advantage or success: an opera role that best suits her voice.
in or to the highest degree; most fully (usually used in combination): best-suited; best-known; best-loved.
something or someone that is best: They always demand and get the best. The best of us can make mistakes.
a person's finest clothing: It's important that you wear your best.
a person's most agreeable or desirable emotional state (often prec. by at).
a person's highest degree of competence, inspiration, etc. (often prec. by at).
the highest quality to be found in a given activity or category of things (often prec. by at): cabinetmaking at its best.
the best effort that a person, group, or thing can make: Their best fell far short of excellence.
a person's best wishes or kindest regards: Please give my best to your father.


a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
a member of the same nation, party, etc.
(initial capital letter) a member of the Religious Society of Friends; a Quaker.


without ever ending; eternally: to last forever.
continually; incessantly; always: He's forever complaining.
an endless or seemingly endless period of time: It took them forever to make up their minds.

***I'm sure you all read my blog about seeing things for what they are right? Well, to give you all an update..I spoke to my "BFF" and I told her how I felt about our off and on again "friendship" and actually had an EPIPHANY after watching Trey Songz latest UStream video & after an incident with someone who "knows" us both to a certain extent but her more so than me...but yeah. So I came to the conclusion that, regardless of our ups and down/agreements and/or disagreements she'll ALWAYS be my "BFF" even if we decided to distance ourselves from one another SEVERAL more times. Because the moral to this whole " interpretation" is that those that are "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER" ARE SIMPLY THAT! For whatever reason, God put us in each other's lives and even when we piss each other off, we can eventually sit down and talk things over like adults and move on. I just didn't fully understand the "here now, gone tomorrow & back the next day" type of situation. But going through more trials since then has taught me this great lesson.***


Thanx for the advice and a listening ear lovez! ;o)


Let's Talk About.........LOVE!


Early today on my Twitter, I asked a few questions about LOVE! These questions arose from a seemingly "never ending" conversation that me and my bff had. It's like I LOVE these types of convos at times because it makes me understand that I'm not the only one who feels the way that I do but then again, I'm confused! :(

I've ALWAYS been a "hopeless romantic" and the LOVE topic comes up a lot but when we speak about it, I become confused because the more I explain my feelings for someone or the feelings that I've had in the past, I kind of feel as if I don't REALLY know what I was feeling completely to begin with. I know that I'm/was interested in a person and so on but HOW interested am I/was I? How deep are/were my feelings? Is/was it just a STRONG like type of feeling or COULD IT BE LOVE???!


Here's what I asked my Twitter fam (in reverse from me @_Misunderstood_):

-I need my ladies & fellahs 2 chime in on this cuz idk wut 2 think right now. :-/ I think @SongzYuuup asked a ? bout love b4 on here while bk
about 3 hours ago from mobile web

-Ppl love 2 say I'm IN LOVE with some1 or has in the past & idk...I doubt it tho but then again, it's possible cuz I love hard generally. IDK
about 3 hours ago from mobile web

-Me & my bff had a discussion similar 2 this last night...til like 6 this morning, both of my cells died out on me! lmao. I NEED 2 KNOW THO!
about 3 hours ago from mobile web

-What is LOVE? Is there a difference between being IN LOVE & just loving some1? How can u tell the difference if any? HOW U KNOW IT?

Here are some responses:

-@TahneishaN @_Misunderstood_ yea there is a difference from loving sum1 & being IN LOVE with sum1, like I love my bff but I'm not in love with my bff from TweetDeck in reply to _Misunderstood_

-@Nyhima @_Misunderstood_ there's a diff you can have love 4 sum1 and not be N Love with them! Make sense? from UberTwitter in reply to _Misunderstood_

-@TahneishaN@_Misunderstood_ you really can't explain it... it more so a feeling...and you really won't know the difference until you've experienced it from TweetDeck in reply to _Misunderstood_

-bellayada@_Misunderstood_ *cont* be in that situation to feel the other person's perspective, ya know? from web in reply to _Misunderstood_

-bellayada@_Misunderstood_ You can LOVE someone and not be IN LOVE, it's really hard to explain it. I mean it's one of those things when you have to from web in reply to _Misunderstood_

***So what do yall think??? And is there a such thing as TRUE LOVE or REAL LOVE, as if for the most part the LOVE that we seem to think we have or feel for one another is fake or not just not what we THOUGHT it was???!


Please chime in and share your beliefs/perspectives on this topic! :)***


My Poor Boo-Boo! :(

My boo Aubrey "Drake" Graham has injured his ACL once again! :(

I hope you feel better babe & recover 100% very soon. I went up to bat for you last night! Lol. It's all good though, YOU'RE THE FUCKIN BESSSSSSST! Those who follow me on Twitter know what I'm talking about! Lol. ;o)


Do they REALLY not know??? :(

I've been wondering ever since I was a little girl, if people who stink/stank/are smelly/funky or whatever you like to call it, REALLY not know that they are this way?! Ooooorr, are they IN DENIAL???

I've run across quite a few people who were/are this way and ALL of them hate to admit it & act like they JUST NOW finding out about it...FORREAL?! YEAH, RIGHT! But it's not just like random "joes" or whatever either, I'm talking friends, family members..even if it was a parent or sibling.

Me PERSONALLY, I think it's unacceptable to just walk around smelling actually makes me sick to my stomach, LITERALLY! It makes me turn my face up like this Photobucket right before I have the urge to vomit......just DISGUSTING!

But how do you tell someone they smell bad???

Is there a way to do it without hurting their feelings???

From experience, I can say that it can turn out bad but sometimes you just have to do/say shit that may hurt peoples feeling in order for them to get the point. I tell people ALL the time because if I was smelled bad, I'd want to know. That's not cute and no REAL woman or man wants a STANKY man or woman, shit just isn't cute at all.

If you've experienced this and would like to share, PLEASE DO..or if you agree or disagree...let me know about it!


Trying something new...


Ok so, most of the time I usually greet you all at the beginning of my blog posts right?! Because I feel like even though we're not face to face, when you all come in here to read my thoughts it's like seeing/running into me. I don't know...yall know I'm a bit weird! LMAO. But anywho, I thought that from now on I'd just start my blog off with what ever I was going to talk about and leave it like that. And then once or twice a week or something of that sort, I'd make a post of just talking to you all with the whole greeting and sharing my day or whatnot not. (Like a TRADITIONAL blog & not so much the typical "rant/rave or gossip blog" just an outline of my day & leave the floor open for yall to tell me about yours as well! :o)

So yeah, I hope all is well & your day is going smoothly & stress/drama free! Cuz LORD KNOWS I have enough for ALLLLLLL OF US! Lmao.

***But my day is kiiiiiiiiiinda IFFY right now, I'm going to have to make a separate post about this one though yall, LORD HELP ME! ;o)***



Thursday, July 30, 2009

Marriage/Strippers/Gold-Diggers/Child Support/Nas/Kelis/Redman/Methodman....where do I begin???

Ok, so...yesterday I was on Necole Bitchie's blog for a second, browsed thru cuz I love her blog, she great. I noticed something on there about Redman & Method Man. Now I skimmed thru it quickly not really paying it any attention because I had other things to do but I wanted to give my support. It didn't really hit me until hours later, when I was at home in my bed that Meth had mentioned strippers & so on during their interview about Hip Hop & how it has changed. A lot of different things were mentioned, hence the above title but those were the ones that stuck out the most.

The radio personality mentioned how Kelis has petitioned the court & been granted approx. $55,000 a month in child support(which by the way the # keeps being switched around, so I don't know the ACTUAL amount) for an infant that is no more than 2 weeks old & OF COURSE her ex-husband Nas is the hoe/prostitute in this situation. WHY do I consider him a hoe/prostitute??? RE-READ WHAT I JUST SAID!!! That was a PIMP move, straight up and down & I will give my thoughts on it COMPLETELY towards the end of this post.

Also, some other things that Red & Meth talked about were marriage and why a guy shouldn't get married, know for sure that the woman loves you & as mentioned before STRIPPERS. Now, some of you if not ALL of you should surely know by now that I don't see the problem that a lot of people seem to have with strippers. Some of the coolest people that I've ever met in life whether in person or via the internet WERE or ARE strippers! Here's some of what was said (quote from Necole Bitchie's blog):

"Redman: Guys out there, Watch your spouse before you get married. Make sure she loves you and if you gotta make that b*tch sign a pre-nup. Make that b*tch sign a pre-up. That ring changes everything!

Method Man: It’s that old saying “A Woman Scorned”. And then they start sitting around and their girlfriends start getting in their ears and sh*t which is bad off top. Women, Like ya’ll said, if you are independent show and prove. Get on your [grind] just like these dudes do. If you don’t want to be with that man anymore, move on. Any real man is going to take care of his seed regardless. You don’t have to go to the courthouse and tell them, “I want this much”. That’s a rook move. That’s robbery. That’s some calculated bullsh*t.

Method Man: [Fellas] Watch how you put that ring on your finger. Make sure that b*tch love you before you put that ring on your finger.

EZ Street: How do we figure it out? How do we know it’s real

Redman: Just don’t marry the b*tch.

Method Man: If you met your woman in the club, giving a lap dance. That’s how you know. You don’t want to marry the b*tch! "

***Now I DO agree with all or MOST of what was said before the "stripper" statement because I don't feel that JUST BECAUSE a woman is a stripper she is: a gold-digger sorta speak & that she's going to pull a straight ROOK (robbery) move on you...I REALLY don't believe that. HOWEVER, I'm sure that there are SOME out here like that but DAMN, GIVE SOOOOOME OF THEM SOME CREDIT!!! They mentiond how women need to be on their grind and get theirs & stop trynna get it from niggas...........ISN'T THAT WHAT STRIPPERS DO???? I know that there are men handing over the money but there are also women there watching too and it's A SERVICE PEOPLE, I'm willing to BET that both of those niggas go to strip clubs or at least the USE to....same shit! Don't be a hypocrite PLEASE! But I'm not JUST talking about Red & Meth but people in general, they're rappers/artists/actors & they give us services such as: music, movies, tv shows (cds, dvds, live shows, & etc.) and expect to get paid for it but STRIPPERS SHOULDN'T???? U GOTTA BE FUCKN KIDDING ME!!!***



--NAS/KELIS: Nas should have known better before fucking with Kelis, the bitch seems crazy to me! (I HAVE U SO MUCH RIGHT NOOOOOW!!! <--WAS THAT NOOOOOT A SIGN??? Like I said before, I do agree with Red & Meth on A LOT of the things mentioned in the video. Females who are straight grimy like that and didn't do shit to contribute/accumulate the "fortune" that their ex's have made should NOT GET A FUCKING DIME...FUCK SPOUSAL SUPPORT, BE A WOMAN & GET IT BY YOUR LONESOME! Now CHILD SUPPORT is different but like Meth said "ANY KID IN AMERICA WOULD BE HAPPY WITH $5,000 A MONTH!" AND WHAT ABOUT DESTINY??? DIDN'T CARMEN HAVE TO GO THROUGH HELL AND HIGH WATER, WRITE A BOOK AND ALL THAT IN ORDER TO GET WHAT SHE NEEDED FOR THEIR CHILD??? AND SHE WAS HAPPY WITH HIM JUST PAYING FOR THE RENT & CAR PAYMENT! Some bitches make it hard for REAL WOMEN LIKE MYSELF! Niggas be so shook nowadays that they're even afraid to wife the real bitches that will ride with and for them. Hoes like this need to KILL THEMSELVES!



Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Loso, In Case You Aint Know So

Unless you live under a rock, you should know by now that Fabolous' new album "LOSO'S WAY" has dropped and the reviews for it are no short of AMAZING!!!


Mr. Jackson is INDEED one of my favorite rappers EVER and I always try my best to support him whenever I can...though I haven't had an opportunity to grab the new album YET! (Recession yall, lol) But I will definitely do so ASAP. Fab has been promoting his A$$ off on twitter, as he should and here are some of his tweets & RT (Retweets) from his fans:

Jus finished radio interviews all across the country...Album out & im still workin!!! This shit dont stop like diarrhea....I'm Niceeeee! (via @myfabolouslife)

Black & White album release party 4 Loso's Way.. Black & White dress attire theme.. Please no Foot Locker uniforms people! (via @myfabolouslife)

For those who been wonderin why Im retweetin people who supported my album its called "fan appreciation" assholes! Loso's Way in stores now! (via @myfabolouslife)

RT @Lo914: @myfabolouslife I love Loso case he ain't know so!!! Holding you down in CT!

RT @DjChoz: - @myfabolouslife GOT THE ALBUM OF THE YEAR what yall waitin 4

RT @OBoogz: @myfabolouslife Hottest album of the year!! Go cop #lososway NOW!!

RT @shaymoney4: @myfabolouslife I really enjoyed the album and movie

RT @GSJah: - @myfabolouslife Live from the BestBuy parking lot! One for the archives, one for the whip

RT @ModelBri: @myfabolouslife

RT @ChaDiggs: @myfabolouslife delux edition Losos Way and tha Rich Yung tat.. Double NICE!! Diiiggs

RT @KeyaTheActress: @myfabolouslife From #1~16...luv'd it!!! This Philly jawn got Loso's way in heavy rotation!

RT @whatyousaw: Datchickloso: @myfabolouslife the deluxe edition was sold out :-( but I still supported

RT @MzKellyBabay: @myfabolouslife Just bought it yesterday!!!!

RT @BarackOLoso: @myfabolouslife deluxe cd signed holla. BarackOLoso follow me

RT @BLISSFUL_KI_KI: ya dam rite i waz hype..official autographed loso's way thanx 2 @myfabolouslife

RT @flyguydeemo: @myfabolouslife

RT @JosephKako: @myfabolouslife - Goli G Batman,whoz gonna save hip-hop?

RT @i_rock_jays: - @myfabolouslife just wakin up already tryna bump that Lo$o's Way

RT @I_Am_Marcus: @myfabolouslife got the album soon as best buy opened up. Album of the year. Hands down

**So as you all can see, Fab's new album is DEFINITELY a MUST HAVE...GO & GET YOUR COPY ASAP..I'M GOING TO GET MIIIIINE! =p



Good Evening Lovez! =p

A couple of days ago my niece was SO excited to tell me about the rumor of NFL star Reggie Bush and socialite/reality tv star Kim Kardashian calling it quits!!!


Now, I know that they were "big news" a while back but their relationship has been kindof dull to terms of being in the limelight as of late. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, I WAS like "DAAYYYUUUMM forreal," because I DO think Reggie is SO sexy but I agree with Necole Bitchie when it comes to not knowing it was going to be such a big deal to so many people, sorta speak. Here's what Necole Bitchie reported on her blog.

"Does anyone care that Kim and Reggie called it quits? I know I don’t but peeps were hitting me up like Jigga and Beyonce decided to divorce. Here’s what they are saying:

“Kim split from longtime beau Reggie Bush, with sources telling that the pair opted to part ways on amicable terms.

They have different schedules, they never got to see each other,” a source tells . “Kim didn’t want to give up her career for Reggie and they both care deeply about each other.”

What career?!?! All this time I thought she was a socialite. And I’m certainly not convinced that this is nothing more than a planned publicity stunt. I just saw some pics of her looking sad and lonely over at Gossip Girls.

If it’s not, then good damn riddance. She sucked the sexy right out of em…

*takes a number and stands in line*"

I agree with Necole about taking a number & standing in line too! Lol. But what do you all think??? Or do yall NOT give a damn??? Lol.

***Thanx for the title idea too Necole! :o)***


Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm a BIG Ciara fan BUUUUUUUUUUT...

Hello Lovez!

I was visiting Necole Bitchie's blog ( ) and came across a picture of Ciara. For a long time I've been feeling real.....IFFY about Ciara's new um, image I guess. I know she's getting older & maturing I assume but her look and her sound is starting to irk me. Now, I'm a big CICI fan right but this go round, I haven't even LISTENED to her latest album, let alone bought it. :-/

I love her first two albums and all but I felt like she really did evolve into a woman and an artist between the span of "Goodies" & "Evolution. Her music showed her me and so did her image. Nowadays, it's like...I don't know. She is SO damn thin and just looks sick AND THIS DAMN "BRAIDS STRAIGHT TO THE BACK LOOK," Lord have mercy!!! The pic that Necole posted of her, she was wearing a wig and I wasn't too fond of that either. Also, listening to the singles that she has put out for "Fantasy Ride" just doesn't show any growth to me. I REALLY feel that she's talented but she has never really shown it...........vocally. (On her albums) This whole low/light-falsetto type of vibe she has going on works for her BUT as a fan, I want to see her evolve more.

***Not that my OPINION matters much, I'm just saying...from a fan/supporter's point of view.***

Check out these pics & videos & tell me what yall think. Whether you're a fan of her or not. Voice your opinion on why you're not a fan if that is the case.

A more recent Ciara:





Classic CICI:




A couple of videos of Ciara, not her MOST recent but a recent video and an all time favorite:

**And I like the song, not my favorite but u can dance to it. The video SUCKS to me though. I want the old CiCi to come back into the game. I want her to stick to the basics but at the same time don't use the EXACT same dances, sing in the SAME damn key all the time & etc.**

I LOVED this video! :( :( :(

FUCKERY @ its............WORSE!!!

Hey Lovez!

Soooo, I was on youtube looking for the shower video of Spectacular "Sexy Spec" -cough- BULLSHIT -cough- LOL :) of Pretty Ricky and couldn't find it. BUUUUUT, I did end up finding THIS BULLSHIT!!!!

"Sexy Spec" is at it AGAIN!!! smdh.


"Remember “Sexy Spec” of Pretty Ricky? I guess his grind challenge didn’t drum up enough publicity for their upcoming album. Over the weekend he took a shower while broadcasting live. I hear another member of the group was in there helping him work the equipment. [Pause]"-Necole Bitchie {Lmao, that's funny!}

Me personally, I think Spectacular is an attention seeker..all the lil nigga want is press!!! Imma help him out...GO GET THAT NEW PRETTY RICKY ALBUM WHEN IT DROPS!!! {TITLE UNKNOWN :o/}

I don't REALLY know what to think of this, what yall think???

Now crying because you feel the spirit of the Lord is not a bad thing but this is...................I don't know what this is?!?!?!

Any takers???


See people for who the REALLY are...

Hello lovez!

Today's blog is a lil bit different than my average. I just want to send out a message to all of my readers/fellow bloggers.

My day..............hell, my WEEK hasn't been the greatest but yall know me, I try to take things in stride and keep it moving. This week was a bit different because I've been hurt many times this week & it's always seemed to be by someone close to me, someone that I'm kin to or consider family. I'm a VERY big "family person." Family means lot to me & I feel as if my friends ARE my family as well. My brother always says that, "friends are the family that you choose" and I TOTALLY agree with him.

So this week, I've fell out with my eldest sister COMPLETELY and it's sad and some may say I'm wrong but you'd have to know the entire story in order to fully understand. But we fell out & now it's like, she no longer exists to me. I use to be a VERY emotional person when I was younger and I still am, just in a different way. My emotion is seen through anger & rage more so than anything when I'm upset, it would have to be EXTREMELY severe for me to cry or something of that sort.

Anywho, I've had quite a few incidents with a female that I've considered my "best friend" for years and this is like a never ending story with us. We've had this back & forth relationship where we'd distance ourselves from one another & then be back to normal at other times. Right now, I'm at the point where I just could careless if we are "friends" or not....well for the most part and then again I'm trying to hold on to a friendship that seems to have been over for years now.

But the moral of this long story is that I'm fed up and the things that I've dealt with, with both females. All of this could have been avoided had I followed my gut. It's always important to listen to your inner self CAREFULLY and to follow your gut instinct because if you don't you could experience a lot of unnecessary bull. If someone shows you who the really are...........BELIEVE THEM!!!

***If it looks, wobbles and quacks like a duck, guess what??? 9x's out of 10....IT PROBABLY IS!!!!***

Yours Truly,


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You've GOT to be kidding me, RACISM this BIG in 2009??? LORD HAVE MERCY!!!

Hello Lovez,

I received an email from an old high school friend of mine that REALLY disturbed me! Now, I don't want to say too much about this at this moment but I will say that this INCIDENT should have NEVER taken place...especially in this day and age. I know that racism still exists but you would think that things were A LIL BIT better than this. Let's just say, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and all the other civil rights leaders deceased and/or still living would have been or is appalled by this despicable act of PURE IGNORANCE & CRUELTY!!! SOMEBODY CALL REV. JESSE JACKSON & AL SHARPTON!!!

The email states...

Dear friends,

Two weeks ago outside Philadelphia, sixty-five children from a summer camp tried to go swimming at a club their camp had a contract to use. Evidently, the club didn't know the kids were largely Black.

When the campers entered the pool, White parents took their kids outof the water, and the swimming club's staff asked the campers to leave. The next day, the club told the summer camp that their membership would be canceled and that they would refund their money.When asked why, the club's leader said the "kids would change the complexion ... and the atmosphere of the club."

A "Whites only" pool in 2009 should not be tolerated. The club's actions appear to be a violation of section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act. Whether or not any laws were violated, a "Whites only" pool should be something every American condemns.

I've just joined in doing exactly that -- will you join me, and email your friends and family asking them to do the same? We're also calling on the Department of Justice to evaluate suing the facility under federal law. It takes just a moment to do both, here:

Obama is President but that doesn't mean that suddenly all is finewhen it comes to race in America. This is a vivid reminder of what we know still lies beneath the surface.

We all know stories like this one -- similar incidents play out quietly every day in different communities across the country. The difference in this case is that folks got caught and there was a contract in place that makes for a potentially illegal act.

Standing up now isn't just about making things right for these kids in Philadelphia or bringing consequences to this swim club (called the Valley Swim Club). It's about creating a climate of accountability everywhere. If we can publicly shame the Valley Swim Club and hold them accountable for this incident, it will make others think twice before engaging in this kind of discrimination.

Please join me in condemning the Valley Swim Club's blatant discrimination and calling on the Justice Department to investigate whether they violated civil rights laws. And please ask your friends and family to do the same.


Here are some links to more info:

-"Pool Boots Kids Who Might 'Change the Complexion,' " NBC Philadelphia,07-08-09"

-60 Black Kids Booted from Philly Pool For Being Black -- Speak Out, "Jill Tubman at Jack and Jill Politics, 07-08-09"

-Valley Swim Club: Day Two," Adam B at Daily Kos, 07-08-09"

-Section 1981 Summary," Employment Law Information Network



Chris Brown: Public Apology...

Though some may beg to differ with my opinion, I believe Chris Brown's apology was VERY sincere. Of course it was scripted but aren't all public apologies & speeches for press conference hearings and etc.??? I'm glad that he was actually able to SAY SOMETHING even though my gut feeling is telling me that he wished he could say more. One thing I am for certain about is that CHRIS BROWN WANTS ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT TO BE OVER AND DONE WITH....ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

We can all voice our opinions on this subject as a whole or just this apology alone but I think Trey Songz said it best yesterday when he stated his opinion in his blog: "Accepting responsibility is a hard thing to do but necessary when owning up to your mistakes. I think his apology is a real one and I'm happy he did it. But like I said before, there is only ONE judge."

Not to dick ride him or nothing because I know I speak about him frequently! lol. But I HONESTLY agree with Mr. Songz 100% because in the end, the opinion of God (or whomever you believe in) is all that matters.

BUT....I am interested in knowing what you all think! So, feel free to comment as much as you like.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Uuuhhh, You're a GROUPIE....SAY IT AIN'T SO!


Ok yall, for all of my regular viewers...I'm sure you can tell that this blog is starting off different than the rest right??? CORRECT! So let me break it down for you all & let you know WHY I'm writing a blog such as thus and why it's entitled "Uuuhhh, You're a GROUPIE....SAY IT AIN'T SO!"

***Alright, first thing first..I'm not one for drama...........well I don't look for drama but it KINDA has its own way of finding me so if this happens to be one of those MOMENTS..oh well!***

Now yesterday, I was on twitter...AS USUAL and I received a "tweet" from a young lady that said "@
_misunderstood_ (<-my sn on there, of course) ur chattin it up wit @troytaylor n @beimajor but cant help me get a happy bday from @songzyuuup *tear* i am heartbroken."

>>>If anyone has that WTF look on their face, like I do NOW and had THEN...your radar PROBABLY went off like mine did "GROUPIE ALERT!"<<<

Back to the story...

I want you all to keep in mind that I DO NOT know Bei Maejor or Troy Taylor PERSONALLY, though I wouldn't mind it because they seem like nice guys buuut, I DON'T! Yes I have tweeted Bei Maejor several times and yes he has responded a few times but what does that mean? Right, NOTHING! So, intially I'm like WTF...this chic must be a groupie and she doesn't know what she's talking about because "chatting it up" in my book would be something on-going like I usually have other folks in my lil tweet fam. And for the record, Troy Taylor didn't tweet me yesterday, I tweeted him & apparently he was in the studio & kind of busy. While Mr. Bei Maejor only replied to me when he asked a question about Troy and I answered it replying to me as such: "wooooww troy holding out!" So I tweeted about this incident of course and said that I would blog about it today & so here we are. But the young lady followed up to my tweets to her about the incident saying: "@
_misunderstood_ sure ran wit dat ddnt u lol wasnt dat serious n i am sure u dnt know @beimaejor or @troytaylor86 still i want my happy bday!"

Now if anyone reading this thinks like me, this whole situation is retarded right and I contemplated not putting her direct tweets on here and just blogging about "groupies" in general, but chose otherwise because she was STILL at it and more than likely still is! :-/

Anybody who knows me personally or knows of me know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOVE me some Tremaine Neverson (aka Trey Songz) & even though I have had him respond to a few of my tweets and Troy is following me on twitter & responds to me...SO WHAT, IT'S TWITTER PEOPLE!!! My birthday was Monday (7/13..HAPPY 24TH BDAY TO MEEE! LOL.) and even though I too said I wanted a tweet from Trey for my was actually a joke & I didn't get one. NEVER have I asked anyone online that I've come into contact with over the Internet : "Aye you think you can tell Trey Songz...." I think that's crossing the line and if that was the case I would have asked his sister GiGi (@gigimaguire & Magic City ATL's very own, check her out if you're in town...YUUUP! *shameless plug I know! lol*).

But the whole point of this LONG ASS STORY is that this isn't the first time I've seen her on some groupie shit online but she's not the only one so this mentions her but REALLY isn't about her. Yes I do shout Trey Songz out every chance I get & tweet him on Twitter OFTEN but I'm what you would call a die-hard fan. NEVER will you catch me, SERIOUSLY, throwing myself at him or anyone else..celebrity or not because I'm a lady and that's a BIG NO-NO in my book! Just be classy about it ladies and FELLAS TOO because I've seen some "cyber dick riding/sucking" NICCAZ on the Internet as well & guess what...THAT AIN'T IT! There's a way to go about everything & there's a line that HAS TO BE drawn between playing around and being serious. All this "yes daddy" shit to niggas like Trey Songz and etc. or even female celebrities isn't cute. It makes you look easy as hell and LIKE A DAMN FOOL! I could careless what they may tell you in your face or over the Internet when they know you're about to be the next slut to suck their dick or whatever but that not cute. Though I hope this is the publicity that you wanted lil mama, maybe it'll get you that "tweet!" Lol.


Such a damn shame....

Until next time lovez, it's been real! ;o)


{BY THE WAY: Bei Maejor & Troy Taylor are producers for SONGBOOK ENTERTAINMENT for those who don't know! So if you listen to Trey Songz or Tyrese or Boys II Men and etc., you've heard their work! Oh and Bei Maejor got a new smash on his hands too by LeToya Luckett (Not Anymore)!!! But don't worry, I'll be doing blogs on them solely VERY soon and their twitters are actually (@beimaejor & @troytaylor86 & of course Trey's is @SongzYuuup)!} ;o)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

JD's Message 2 The Industry...

Hello lovez,

I was on youtube today, catching up on my LIFERS shit (YESSSS, I AM A LIFER...I LOVE OCEANS 7!!!) watching the videos that I have missed lately on JD1472 (check it out if you haven't!). Now, all of the videos on there are amazing...if i must say so myself but there were two videos that were of Jermaine Dupri and Johnta Austin that really struck a chord with me. These videos, posted a lil over a month ago, were entitled "LIVING THE LIFE (MESSAGE TO THE INDUSRTY 1 & 2)."


Seeing as though I am a DIE-HARD fan of music, a music connoisseur if you will, these videos hit home with me and I just wanted to share them with you all. Feel free to comment as much as you like because this is one discussion/debate that i would LOVE to have. Let me know if you agree with what the blogger said to JD or disagree and so on (your views on the industry & etc...)

Until next time,


Sunday, July 12, 2009

RocHarder Magazine & Ov'r Da Top Promotions!!!


**JULY 3-28**
Atlanta, Ga**
Jacksonville, Florida

****Tuesday- July 7-Club Primal 960 Spring St.

***RocHarder Magazine, Ov'r Da Top Promotions, MBK Media,Too Fresh Entertainment Present:

Hosted by* *ELLE DUNCAN FROM V103*Primal is one of Atlanta’s leading Premier hot spots, and Tuesday night is always jam-packed. We’re bringing out the models, the paparazzi, radio, andseveral of our elite celebrity friends to celebrate in the success of RocHarder Magazine.

***Thursday- July 9- Club Mariachi 585 Franklin Rd. - Hittmenn DJs, TheRich Squad Presents RocHarder Magazine Release Party “Strictly For the Young Folks”. *We’re taking the fresh new faces of Hip Hop and giving a concert that the youth will love!

-Special Invited Guests: The Rich Kids, Ahmad Carroll of the NY Jets and his NFL friends***Tuesday- July 14- Club Figure 8 3131 Campbellton Rd.

--This will be a knockout smash! We’re putting on a magnificent extravaganza featuring a hostof celebrities that are actually in the RocHarder Magazine.

--There are 4 V.I.P. areas available.**** **Saturday- July 18- Club Plush 845 University Blvd. Jacksonville, FL*** Hittmenn Djs Reunion (******Tuesday- July 21- Platinum 21 1905 Piedmont Rd. – ******Shawty Lo Presents the Cosa Nostra Gang***

***Tuesday- July 28- Club Frequency (Underground Atlanta) – and RocHarder Magazine Presents Media Day- It’s going to be a media frenzy!

***Come meet and greet magazine publications, publishers, videographers, graphic designers, talk shows, publicists, dvd companies, internet bloggers, writers, promoters, and photographers. We’re bringing them all together under one roof so businesses and artists can network and promote. We are also going to educate attendees in the importance of media. ****


Performances are still available for the following: - Club Chit - The Black Lion - The Figure 8 - Mariachi - Platinum 21 - Club Crucial - Club Primal - FrequencyFor more information on performances, sponsorships, rsvp please contact(770)817-1022, (404)453-3810, or,,,

**We Look Forward to Seeing You There!**

~Ov'r Da Top Promotions**BRANDING PROMOTIONS MARKETING STREET TEAM BOOKING**STOP HALF STEPPING,**LET US TAKE YOU OV'R DA TOP.....**Ceo Lady Shack**(770) 817-1022, (404) 453-3810, or **Follow me on**

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

IF you don't have them already, DOWNLOAD THEM NOW!!!!

So yall already know that I am a "Trey Songz" FANATIC...with this being said, here are Trey's latest mixtapes...




More info on Trey Songz @:


Monday, June 29, 2009

Taking A Brief Intermission...

Hello lovez!

Today is a good day, just because I am alive and well and I know there are others that are in situations far worst than mine. So for this alone, I am grateful...THANK YOU GOD!

There have been many situations in my life where I've wanted to just give up, but because I am such a "go-getter" I just can't seem to call it quits. So through it all, I'll always keep a smile on my face and my head held high because I know what's in store for me, my future holds many things unmatched by a dollar sign.

Seeing as though today could have been a GREAT day but instead it's just a good day, I will take some time to reflect on it all and come back with more heat for you all at a later date.

Thanks for the love and support, whether I have one follower/reader or one million...I'm grateful nonetheless. I just might write some things down in one of my MANY writing tablets that I have but never use, I guess writing is easy for me...freestyling at it's best.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Waiting to have it always a good choice?!

Hello lovez!

Last night my sister (Reecie) and I were having this random conversation. I have no idea what sparked this one in particular but it really made me think & I decided to share it with you all.

So me and Reecie were talking about sex and whether or not we should wait until marriage to have sex right?! So Reecie asked me what if a couple waited until marriage to get down with the get down but coming to find out he had a "toddler penis," or she has some loose "gushy," or one or both of them couldn't put it down?!

When it comes to the female having a loose "gushy," of course she's not a virgin. Either she was VERY active previously and decided to try and get on track or she still is and just isn't getting down with her guy. Either way....what should HE do? Me personally, I said I'd be pissed and it'll DEFINITELY be over and done with but I'd more than likely kick her ass because that's the type of shit you need to know about up front...guess that's why I'm a woman and not a man! Lol.

If the guy was a part of the itty-bitty club...hmmm, that's kind of hard because he could possibly be a really nice guy with a really small package. :-/ I know it may seem wrong to some but I'd more than likely leave his ass! I've heard that some "small" guys know how to work it, but I don't know about all of that sooo, yeah!

Let's say I did wait until I was married to have sex and my guy is SUPPOSED to be experienced but I couldn't tell. I told Reecie that just like everything else in life, MOST of us have to learn how to do this or that and sex isn't any different...I don't think. The example that I gave her was learning how to ride a bike. Some of us just hop right on and we kill it like we invented it while others lack in that area and have to practice a little more. I honestly believe that sex is the same way. If you suck at it in the beginning, keep at it because practice makes perfect! Lol. Especially if your partner is TRULY experienced, he or she should be able to help teach you how to do what needs to be done.

***But what do yall think? What would you do in either or all of these situations? If you are planning to wait until marriage, has this post made you think more on your decision...what are your thoughts???***


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yall gotta read this...!!!

Ok so, I did a blog post about my girl Brook Lynne Carter not too long ago right?! Well, she is @ it again...I swear she's the next NecoleBitchie on this blog shit but of a different caliber, feel me???

Ms. Carter's latest blog is entitled "lame sex. same sex." and even though I still got my V-Card [I exchange V-Cards w/the retards! lol, that's my favorite part of the song! :)] -cough- I can still feel her on what she had to say.

***Not to be clit-riding or not shit but um, yeah...check out her post. Even if you don't like her blog, you should be able to relate and/or disagree because it deals with SEX...and who doesn't love to engage in a topic as great as SEX?!?!?!?!***

But there's more to the post than just sex, definitely a MUST READ!!

Lame Sex. Same Sex....


Friday, June 26, 2009

N.A.N. & D.B. BD/BM...

Ok so, somethings have transpired within my personal life that makes me want to write a blog that is also my outlet to vent to the world about these very DISTURBING situations. I feel like just about EVERY DAMN BODY...if not EVERY DAMN BODY, should be able to feel me on this shit.

First thing first: N.A.N. & D.B. BD/BM =NUTHN ASS NIGGAZ & DEATBEAT BABY-DADDY/BABY-MOMMAZ!!! Now who hasn't come into contact with one of these at least ONCE?!

It's one thing to be a struggling parent whether you're a single parent (as in raising your child w/o help from the other parent) or being single and you have help from your child's mother or father but it still isn't enough. Being a N.A.N. & D.B. BD/BM is someone who has opportunities in front of them or HAD an opportunity or opportunities but you chose otherwise due to your own selfish reasons. I.E.-Not working a regular 9-5 because you'd rather "TRAP"...FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT SHIT!!!

FYI-Real trap stars, I have no problem with yall because most of you started at a young age as a way to help out your single mother who worked long hours for little to damn near no pay. They get caught up in it and it's hard to leave once they get older because they've already had a conviction or two and etc... <-- I feel that, nothing against yall at all!!!

But these niggaz that "trap" because they think it's cute and move their kids from one place to the next and still don't have 2 FUCKING NICKLES TO RUB TOGETHER...YALL SHOULD JUST KILL YOURSELVES!!! (sorta speak!)

And then there's the "mothers" that prefer to stick by these raggedy ass niggas because they're either scared of them or whatever and then they complain when everything is on their shoulders (I COMMEND YALL FOR STICKING IN THERE FOR YOUR KIDS BUT YOU'RE HURTING THEM IN THE LONG RUN...LET THEM NIGGAZ GO, U CAN DO BAD BY YOUR DAMN SELF!!!) There's also these chics that I consider DEADBEAT MOMMAZ that don't want to work for shit and would rather be on welfare and eat up all of the tax payers money! If you're not able to work because of a disability or you've tried and tried to no avail...FINE but don't give up! These other bitches that I'm referring to now are noting like that. I'm talking about the ones who feel as if "IT'S THEIR DADDY'S TIME TO RAISE THEM, I'M DONE, I'M TIRED!" BITCH PUH-LEEZE! I can give you SEVERAL lists of women who raised their kids w/o an active father in their lives...COULD THEY EVER SAY THEY WERE "TIRED OR DONE?!"


These children didn't ask to be here and they for damn sure didn't spread their legs like YOU did in order for them to be here in the first place!

And then we have the DEADBEAT MOMMAZ & DADDYS that want help and receive help...FROM A BITCH LIKE ME and they mad because you did more for their child (children) then they EVER WTF?! YOU'RE SERIOUS?! If yall cared enough, I wouldn't have to do it...stay your raggedy asses out of jail and off yall backs and MAYBE, just MAYBE you'll accomplish something!!!



Thursday, June 25, 2009


The world suffered a VERY unfortunate loss today with the physical death of one of musics most influential artists to date. The man known to most as "The King of Pop" left this Earth today around noon, says his brother Randy Jackson.


Regardless of what his cause of death may have been, the world was not ready for this one! No one in his/her right mind would have thought that on Thursday June 25, 2009 at 12 o'clock pm(pacific time), Michael Joseph Jackson would no longer breathe again. Photobucket
The passing of King MJ has started a frenzy like no other. People all over the world has been reporting their comments on his death via Internet sites and it has definitely "Started Something!" Photobucket

A lot of MJ's fans have been mourning him and taking it pretty hard while others chose to be disrespectful. There has also been a few that spoke his/her piece on Michael Jackson and his life while here on Earth in a manner that was nothing more than just being opinionated.Photobucket

Being as though I'm VERY, VERY, VERY opinionated myself and will speak my mind as I see fit, I respect all views but like any other situation...a line MUST be drawn!!! Photobucket This man hasn't been dead 12 hours yet (not completely), and folks are already being disrespectful. It's one thing to voice your opinion of someone but it's totally different when you're being disrespectful..whether the person of concern is dead or very much alive and well. Photobucket

With that being said, those being blatantly disrespectful should be ashamed of themselves because if any one of us were in his position we'd want respect to be shown...REGARDLESS OF HOW WE LIVED OUR LIVES WHILE WE WERE HERE ON EARTH!!!

***True enough he had a few scandals involving children but he's not the first and won't be the last. A lot of things are pushed under the rug but when the person of "concern" is in the spotlight people get all bent out of shape about it. There's nothing wrong with wanting to pray for him and his family, we should all pray for them because everyone goes through a time of bereavement and it's a sign of respect for people in general. But if you're not spiritual in anyway...regardless of the religion or nationality, that's cool each their own. But if you know like I know..YOU MIGHT WANT TO FIND SOMEONE TO CALL ON & WORSHIP BECAUSE TIME WAITS ON NO ONE AND BEST BELIEVE THE LORD IS COMING BACK 4 U, NO MATTER WHERE YOUR ETERNAL HOME WILL BE...BELEE DAT!!! <--not a preacher, just the facts!!! :)
***Oh and I'm sure Janet is taking this pretty hard...let the woman breathe yall...DAMN!!!!***
Yours Truly... ~♥QUEEN♥~

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Justice has been served...or has it?!

As you all should know by now, Chris Brown & Rihanna went to court on Monday 6/22/2009. Chris Brown has changed his plea, and the judge has rendered a verdict! Photobucket

A very popular blog site (that is known for it's accuracy),, has received info via TMZ and the results of this case are:

"He’ll spend 180 days doing community labor (8 hours a day — 1440 hours total) — which is, in effect, hard labor. He’ll do his service in Virginia which is where Brown lives. A Virginia law enforcement officer told us Brown will be picking up trash, pulling weeds and washing fire trucks.
He gets 5 years probation for FELONY assault — he pled guilty. He’ll get supervised probation. He’ll have to come back to court every three months. He must enroll in a domestic violence counseling program.
This is interesting … the judge said if Brown and Rihanna are at the same public events, the 50-yard stay away turns into 10 yards. The stay away order lasts 5 years.
The judge said she wanted to make sure that Chris Brown “was treated as any other person who comes through this court.”
If Brown violates probation, he could get up to 4 years in prison. Rihanna is in the courthouse but never entered the courtroom. So Brown is now a convicted felon and loses the right to vote or carry a gun."

>>>Now, eventhough that sentence does seem kind of lenient, is it REALLY fair to Mr. Chris Brown? I'm asking this because not only am I a die-hard fan of CB, but I have a degree in Criminal Justice...and I'm still not too fond of the system. I know that every state has its own guidelines as far as laws & sentencing goes but is it REALLY that serious??? Seeing as though Chris hasn't had any prior convictions nor has he even been arested before this incident. This young man now has a FELONY on his record for something that I think was quite petty. Not "assault" in itself but the outcome of the assault. Photobucket

I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with that would be considered as "spousal" or what have you but the pics that I seen weren't enough evidence to give that man a FELONY on his record. Some may consider me as being bias but I see it as the TRUTH. I've witnessed abuse growing up & to tell you the truth RIHANNA DIDN'T GET THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF HER like some may think. The pictures that we LEAKED seemed to have been blown up to try and make things seem like something that it's not. It's just like when you see a sales ad in the paper about an item and they blow it up just to wheel you into believing in the product or even a food commercial. The situation is never as GOOD or as BAD as the promotion for it. That's just my take on it. What do you all think???

Yours Truly... ~♥QUEEN♥~

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

MORE........Than Just a Stripper!!!


Ok sooooo, I'm back sooner than I thought. I had something on my mind and decided that now is the time to blog about it because I've felt this way for a while.

My {Twitter} homegirl Brook Lynne Carter happens to be a stripper, working at the World's Famous "Magic City" here in Atlanta, Georgia. And she recently made a blog post about how people judge strippers and not their customers. This topic brought about a lot of controversy on her blog but it was great to read nonetheless. I'm mentioning this because anyone who knows Brook and/or know of her would have to HONESTLY say that she's more than just a "stripper," in fact she's actually very intelligent/intellectual.


I think people should at LEAST try their best to not judge a book by its cover. *NOT EVERY STRIPPER IS A HOE & BECAUSE THEY STRIP, THAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER TO THE WORLD!!!* <---Quote me on that one!!! ;o) Brook also has a goal of becoming an author, she's preparing for her first book, GO BROOK!!! :)

-Here's her blog link:
-Be sure to hit her twitter up as well:


They call him...SONGZ......YUUUP!!!


I decided to just update yall with a LIL something. :)

Anybody who has read my previous blog posts or has had a chat or two with me on Twitter/Myspace/Facebook or any other site should damn well know by now that I LOOOOOVE, LOVE, LOVE me some Tremaine Neverson..."Trey Songz" for those of you who don't know his!

sexiness @ it's BEST! lol

Anywho, Trey {whom I DON'T know personally...b4 that becomes some CRAZY rumor} has been on his grustle {grind+hustle} as usual but he's REALLY on to something these days. He has been dropping new music via Twitter like everyday/every other day...or so it seems. Imma post a few links if possible of some songs for you all to view if you haven't already.

ALSO, Trey has a brand new blog...please feel free to check it out & show him some ♥ or hate! (We can all use a lil ammunition sometimes! lol)

HERE'S THE LINK TO HIS BLOG AND A SNIPPET FROM IT W/THIS "OH SO CONTROVERSIAL" NEW TRACK (Death of Kellz Autotune): First off, anyone who is familiar with my history knows I'm a HUGE R. Kelly fan & have been inspired by him since my early beginnings musically. So while some may take this as disrespect, those who truly listen to the lyrics will understand my urging him to go harder. I've been compared to R. Kelly since my career began while we all can recall R. Kelly stepping on the scene sounding AND looking JUST like Aaron Hall. {To read more, click here: }



Yours Truly,



Hey Lovez! ;)

I was supposed to update this blog, what seems like AGES ago. Sorry for my procrastination but I've been dealing with a lot lately. My mother has been sick and in and out of the hospital and I've been the one picking up her slack. So yeah, I miss writing and will be back REALLY SOON! Thanx 4 the love!



Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This Internet Thing, Hmmmm...???

Heeeeey lovely bloggers/readers!

Ok so, I was just put into a situation that really got me to thinking. There has been an overflow of new technology with all these new sites, or those that have been up a while but are really starting to BOOM now...i.e. Twitter!

For those of you who aren't familiar with Twitter & what it's all bout, I'm going to need yall to tune into this place we all call, uh...EARTH maybe!!! Lol. Twitter is like this new phenomenon and everybody who's anybody (just about) has a page on twitter, and even the "nobodies" of the world (like myself) has a twitter page as well. Twitter allows you to "follow" those that you know, love, admire and etc. But the problem with the site is, what if someone on twitter is REALLY following you?!

For instance, some people...including myself, seem to tweet about every little thing that goes on with them that's exciting or is weighing heavily on their brain and so on. We sometimes tweet about where we are and where we're going. But we fail to realize that there could possibly be someone on twitter that's "following us" but they're also "FOLLOWING US!!!"

This was brought to my attention by my FAVORITE artist, Mr. Trigga-Trey Songz himself (YUUUP! lol). When Trey mentioned it in one of his tweets we were all bugging like WTF?! He didn't go as in depth with it as I am now but he sparked the thought in my mind and my "situation" didn't help either. All Trey said was, what if someone comes up to you in public and ask you how was the food you had cooked the night before? Let me remind you, YOU DON'T KNOW THIS PERSON FROM ADAM!!! Your first thought will NOT be, oh ok he/she must be "following me" on twitter...I know mine DEFINITELY wouldn't! I would spazz the fuck out (excuse my language) and be ready to mop the floor with whomever it could be coming to me like that without REALLY knowing me. It could be a completely harmless approach but it would really do a number on me.

So my questions for you all are: Am I tripping or could this site that SO MANY of us love be potentially but not intentionally harmful to our wellbeing? What would you do if this happened to you? (real life stalkers & run in with someone who's just "following you" on twitter)

I'm interested in finding out all of your thoughts!!!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hello loves...

I was just on my twitter page, well I'm still on there...multitasking! Lol. Anywho, Terrence J from 106 and Park mentioned something that sparked my interest enough to blog about it. The topic is twitter itself and how he HATES when people that aren't on twitter always has something negative to say about the site. He was just saying how people shouldn't judge us about it because they don't understand why we love it.


That really irks me too because my friends on facebook and/or myspace are always like, "FUCK TWITTER, THAT SHIT GAY!" I'm not understanding how you can downplay something that you haven't tried before. I can understand someone being a bit skeptical but not just writing it off as it being lame or whatever when they know nothing about it.

To those of you that tweet on twitter (I always thought that sounded a lil funny! LOL), how do you feel? Have you received responses like this from your friends and/or family. I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW!!!

Here are some twitter pages that some of you might want to consider looking at, just to name a few: (You know what it is, ♥Trey Songz♥)
" "/TerrenceJ106 (self explanatory)
" "/LTLline (Jermaine Dupri)
" "/nachojohnny (Bryan-Michael Cox)
" "/lamborghinibow (Bow Wow)
" "/iamDiddy (Diddy...duh! Lol)
" "/Willie_Day26 (self explanatory!)
" "/_Misunderstood_ (♥Yours Truly♥ :)

*I'll be back with more topics loves and I can't wait to read your responses...until next time, SMOOCHEZ!*


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Shawntae Harris (Da Brat)


Hello World...

I was on twitter today and JD (Jermaine Dupri for those who obviously stay on another planet! lol) let everyone know that today is Da Brat's birthday. He let us know that we could go on his blog ( and wish her a happy birthday. It was so funny to me because I had just been thinking about her and how I miss her in the music industry. For those who don't know me personally, I am a lover of music of all kinds especially hiphop & r&b. And it really doesn't get much better than Da Brat when is comes female MCs...MCs period really. She is better than a VERY large percentage of the fellas in the game right now but it seems like folks have forgotten.

Anywho, when I read JD's message I was so excited because I was just saying how the game isn't the same anymore. Our youth has no idea what real music is and doesn't respect the game. It's not just the youth either, some old-heads have lost sight of what this thing is really about...where's the love? I can go on and on about the industry in particular but we'll save that for another time. I just thought I'd share that with you because it was on my mind and it seemed to fit so well.

On another note, Da Brat is currently serving time in prison for those who don't know... if you have love for her and would like to send her a letter, card or's her info:
Shawntae Harris #1287419
Lee Arrendale State Prison
P.O. Box 709
Alto, GA. 30510


JD & Da Brat
JD &amp; Brat

Woman Work (POEM by Maya Angelou)

***Here's a great poem for my ladies...the women that grind it out no matter how bad the storm may get and the fellas that love us and appreciate all that we do. You're not alone mama, regardless of how things may seem...continue to do what you need to do and God will continue to see you through! God Bless you all.

♥ Queen

Woman Work by Maya Angelou

I've got the children to tend
The clothes to mend
The floor to mop
The food to shop
Then the chicken to fry
The baby to dry
I got company to feed
The garden to weed
I've got shirts to press
The tots to dress
The can to be cut
I gotta clean up this hut
Then see about the sick
And the cotton to pick.

Shine on me, sunshine
Rain on me, rain
Fall softly, dewdrops
And cool my brow again.

Storm, blow me from here
With your fiercest wind
Let me float across the sky
'Til I can rest again.

Fall gently, snowflakes
Cover me with white
Cold icy kisses and
Let me rest tonight.

Sun, rain, curving sky
Mountain, oceans, leaf and stone
Star shine, moon glow
You're all that I can call my own.


Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies
I say, it's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips
The stride of my step
The curl of my lips

I'm a woman, phenomenally
Phenomenal woman,that's me

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please
And to a man
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees
Then they swarm around me
A hive of honey bees
I say
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth
The swing in my waist
And the joy in my feet

I'm a woman, phenomenally
Phenomenal woman, that's me

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see
I say,It's in the arch of my back
The sun of my smile
The ride of my breasts
The grace of my style

I'm a woman, phenomenally
Phenomenal woman, that's me

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud
I say,It's in the click of my heels
The bend of my hair
The palm of my hand
The need for my care

Cause I'm a woman, phenomenally
Phenomenal woman, that's me



Alone...without nothing or no one to call my own

So much before but now its gone

Supposed to have been the beginning but look how it ended

Said we would stay together forever no matter how bad the rain or stormy weather

Thought we would see each other get married, have kids and grow old together

We were family and it couldnt be any better

As close as kin but this is now and that was then

Never thought something so stupid and simple would bring us to an end

Seems like way back when, when we were best friends

Clowning and joking together is what I see while reminiscing

At times I find myself wishing that I could undo Gods vision

Saying that there was a reason for us to click in the beginning

But then there has to be a reason for us going our separate ways

I guess in the end all the pain and hurt brings better days

Me being solo was the ultimate plan

And from now on being alone is how I stand

But only in the physical for I always have God in the spiritual

Tha Truth-POEM(small)

*Another one of my favorite poems from Yours Truly*


mainly known as... a statement proven to be or accepted as true...
also described and defined as conformity to fact and actuality...
in my case it would be a reality...of who I am and what I'm about...
because ONLY the realest ish should be uttered from my mouth...
So now that you know why Derria and 'Tha Truth' goes hand in hand...
Never should I be forgotten, mistaken or confused with you and any other woman nor man...
Ya UndaStand???


*Shout out to Matt (Lib) for the inspiration! Lol.*

Under Construction...

Heeeeey! For those of you who are familiar with me and this blog...yes I'm revamping it, so be patient with me please. Thanx for coming through.

♥ Queen

Music, Life and Love-POEM

Music, Life & Love

Some people say that music is equivalent to love and love is equivalent to life...

but how can you love life and not music; love music but hate life and/or love...

how can one experience life without love...

experience love without music...

love and listen to music without the memory of one of life's many experiences...

maybe love in itself...

Isn't music the one thing that helps love make sense to us all...

Isn't music our outlet and inspiration...

our way out of some of our biggest issues in life...

stress, depression, loneliness, heartache, pain...

I believe that each one is equivalent to the other...

you need the other two in order to have and/or understand the one at hand...

Love Is Music, Music Is Life and Life Is Love...


Subconscious Illusion-POEM

*This is one of my favorite poems...written by yours's old but hey...

Subconscious Illusion

In the back of my mind; haunting images of you and me,
unaware of the ending and the beginning but the present is as clear as can be,
my mind is flooded with thoughts on top of more thoughts,
how did I get here; which way do I go,
answers that only God know and can show,
but am I really that blind; am I really clueless to the facts,
or is this just an act...a subconscious illusion that I 've kept in my head...way in the back,
this isn't real...or could it be true...never would I have ever thought I'd have these type of feelings for you,
the thought of you and I makes my head pound and heart ache,
but the envisions make my toes curl and knees shake,
lips quivering and body shivering,
the dreams seem so real to me...every touch and glance I can both feel and see,
the many things I'd do to have you next to me...but yet and still we can't be...or can we,
I want these feelings and images to go away but at the same time I'm begging that they stay,
that has to be the reason for them leaving and resurfacing,
I've wanted you all the time and that's why it comes so naturally when flirting,
but this can't be good for me and you either for that matter,
can you imagine all the thoughts and the amount of chit-chatter,
but this is the way it is, it's no longer a question to me, a subconscious illusion is what these dreams about you are now and have always been to me!